Everything // R.L. [blurb]

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It hits you suddenly at how much you want a future with this man, how much you want a forever. He continues to speak to Sirius, his voice quiet in the loud room at Lily and James', and he's none the wiser to the monumental shift taking place within you. All he's aware of his love for you and that it continues to grow everyday.

"I'm sorry," You start, sidling up to Remus, interrupting his conversation with Sirius. "Can I borrow Remus for a minute?"

Sirius nods; smiling widely at you before leaving the two of you alone. Remus glances down at you, a warm smile on his face as he takes in the flush of your skin.

"Are you alright, love?" He asks, a touch of concern in his voice as he wonders whether your eyes are a touch too bright.

You nod, leaning into Remus' hand as he feels your forehead, testing for a temperature. His brows furrow as he finds not change and no explanation for your flushed state.

"Are you sure you're feeling okay? We can leave if you aren't up to it."

"Marry me," You ask out of the blue, watching how Remus' expression turns from pleasantly relaxed to shellshocked within a matter of seconds.


"Marry me... Marry me and always be mine," You repeat, announcing your declaration loud enough for the rest of the party to hear.

"You want to marry me?" Remus questions, his brow furrowed with his confusion.

"I want to do everything with you, Remus," You clarify, the smile on your face growing wider as you think of the future you two could have together.

Remus blushes as your words land. He glances around the room; shocked to see that not a single person has heard your declaration nor taken notice of his lack of response. It's as if the bubble the two of you tend to find yourselves in extends to parties too. He refocuses his attention on you; watching as your smile begins to wane just a little, insecurity setting in. Not what he was intending in the slightest.

"Yes," He answers, the word falling from his lips so easily.

"You'll marry me?" You ask, checking in.

"Yes, I'll marry you," He confirms, reaching for you, pulling you into his side. "I want to do everything with you too."

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