Something in the Air // S.B. [BLURB - slightly NSFW]

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a/n: slightly nsfw.


Had there ever been a more beautiful bride? Lily Potter nee Evans smiles as her new husband spins her around the dancefloor, not a care on either of their faces as they indulged themselves happily in the spectacle that was their wedding day.

The ceremony had left you breathless and tearful, dabbing at the corner of your eyes with Sirius' monogrammed handkerchief as you watched your closest friends dedicate the rest of their lives to each other, as if they weren't a sure thing from the moment Lily accepted James offer of a date.

The reception is just as beautiful. Laughter, love, and drink filling the brim of their union. You clap along to the music; your heels tapping out the rhythm as you watch your lifelong friends fall further for each other as they dance across the floor.

"Dance with me?" Sirius asks, a tattooed hand outstretched towards you as he breaks your contemplation of James and Lily Potter and the love that shines from each of them.

An all-black ensemble with the dress shirt unbuttoned to his stomach, showcasing the many tattoos that littered his chest. As your eyes danced over him, you couldn't help but imagine the many other tattoos that covered his body.

"But what if I step on your toes?" You fret, taking his hand but worrying all the same.

"You could never," He promises, winking at you before spinning you out onto the floor.

You cannot help the laughter that falls from your mouth as Sirius catches you mid-spin, his hand warm on your lower back. The wedding band strikes up a familiar beat; one that you had danced to many times through your time at Hogwarts.

Sirius keeps a tight hold on you, sweeping you across the floor in a manner that has you remembering the high-class upbringing he had. His feet land perfectly, his hands catching you before you begin to falter.

It's the most fun you've had in weeks.

Yet, all fun must come to an end.

The many guests begin to depart; kissing the newly married couple on their cheeks before apparating to their respective homes. The wedding party had been given rooms in the hotel to which you could feel your bed calling you.

You smiled to yourself as you departed the reception, not saying goodbye to Lily or James. They were so wrapped up in each other, they would not notice your absence.

It seems Sirius has the same thought as his hand comes to rest on your elbow. "Let me walk you to your room?"

"You're right across the hall," You laugh.

"You wouldn't deny a gentleman," He gasps, winking at you.

"When I see one, I'll be sure to refuse."

"Hurtful," Sirius snorts, beginning the short journey to your shared floor.

Neither of you say a word; the tension is enough - thick enough to be cut with a knife. His hand doesn't leave your elbow; the skin tingling where his fingers rest.

All too soon, your rooms become visible.

"Are you turning in for the night?" Sirius asks, his voice quiet in the hotel corridor.

"I'm not that tired," You answer honestly, facing the man who has had your head in a spin all night.

"Fancy a nightcap?" Sirius smiles gently, opening the door to his hotel room.

You don't answer him; you simply flash him a warm smile as you step past him into his room.

The door closes behind Sirius with a soft click; the very sound reverberating through your entire being as you spy the hungry expression in Sirius' eyes. He doesn't head towards the minibar; instead, he prowls to you, pausing a single step away.

"Dance with me," He whispers, taking your hands in his.

"But what if I step on your toes?" You reply, repeating your words from earlier.

"You could never."

"There's no music, Sirius."

"Then we'll make our own," He replies, humming the opening bars of your favourite song.

You rest your cheek on his shoulder, letting the brunette sway you both side to side. The both of you are tired, but neither of you want to say goodnight, neither of you want to leave the other. You can feel the pounding of Sirius' heart, and you wonder briefly whether it matches the rhythm of yours.

It's quiet save for the melody leaving Sirius' mouth; a tune you recognise but cannot place as you inhale the intoxicating scent of his cologne.

"Kiss me, Sirius," You whisper, tilting your face to his as break the peaceful quiet. "Kiss me and spend the night."

Sirius doesn't need to be told a third time; gathering you in his arms, pressing his mouth to yours in a searing kiss. Your arms wrap around his neck, fingers carding through his thick, lush curls. He groans into your mouth; the very sound sending delightful little shivers through your whole being as you taste the bubbles from his champagne.

It doesn't take him long to get you undressed; your dress falling silently to the floor as you unbutton Sirius' dress shirt. All the while, desperate to feel his lips on every inch of your body, not just on your mouth.

You groan happily when Sirius begins to trail wet kisses down the expanse of your neck, walking you slowly back towards the bed. You land on the mattress with a huff; hushed laughter sounding in the room as Sirius clambers over you, desperate to feel you against him.

There must be something in the air, you think to yourself as you fall into the luscious feeling of Sirius' lips and hands. Your hands card through his hair; your teeth sinking into your bottom lip when Sirius glances up from his position between your legs. He winks; eyes bright with mirth and mischief as he kisses the apex of your thighs.

There must be something in the air.

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