It's Going to be A Good Day (S.B) [drabble]

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Warnings: fluff and suggestiveness, lots of cute.


Opening your eyes to the midmorning sun, you knew it was going to be a good day.

You stretch yourself out in bed; only now taking notice of the abundance of space and lack of partner. However, your ears soon pick up on the banging of pots and pans as Sirius potters through the kitchen making breakfast.

Placing a hand on your forehead, you shake your head incredulously.

It was going to be a good day.

Throwing on a cardigan, you push your feet into your slippers before padding downstairs to see what delicacy Sirius could be making for breakfast. Entering the kitchen, you head towards the breakfast bar where you get the full sight of Sirius cooking.


Your earlier thought was correct; it was going to be good day.

Sirius smiles at you from across the counter, "Sleep well?"

"Like a log," You hum, "You?"

Sirius grins wickedly, "Like a baby."

"You are a mighty fine sight, Black," You flirt, rolling your eyes at the meaning of his words.

Sirius quirks an eyebrow at you, "And you're mighty fine too... Black."

You huff out a startled laugh, looking down at the ring now sitting prettily on your left hand. You wiggle your fingers, watching the light dance off the diamond, "I suppose I am."

Sirius hums, moving the pan to a cooler hob before plating up the food.

Breakfast is eaten over conversation to do with plans for the day – did they want to get dressed today? Do they need to leave the house? Or could the whole day be spent in bed?

The final suggestion is yours and from the mischievous glint in Sirius' eyes as well as the way his hand travels further up your thigh, you knew that it was going to be a good day spent in bed.

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