The Point of No Return (R.L./LE)

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Warnings: fake dating, fluff, light angst, feelings, swearing

Word count: 1.8k


"Remus, for the love of Merlin, please."

"Give me one good reason why I should help."

You grin, "Because you love me?"

He snorts. Frowning, you say, "Because I really need your help."

"You want me to fake date you so you can get a one up on your ex who is currently sitting in the kitchen?"

You nod, "That sounds about right."


"Because he's a self-entitled arsehole I made the mistake of dating last year."

"No, I know that. Why me? Why not Sirius?"

You roll your eyes, "Sirius, whilst he is lovely, currently has eyes for someone else and I don't think it would very fair to confuse the poor woman's feelings."

"And what if I do?"

"Do you? Remus do you have a crush?" You tease; a large smile making its way across your face.

"(Y/N), we are over thirty years old. We don't have crushes," Remus reminds you with a roll of his eyes.

You groan, feeling seconds away from dropping to your knees and begging him for help, "Remus, please, help me."

Remus glances between you and the kitchen door where he knows your arsehole of an ex happens to be sitting with a smug look on his face. Remus had never liked him. He sighs, holding his hands up in surrender, "Alright, alright. You've worn me down. I'll fake date you."

The grin that spreads across your face at his words has Remus wondering if this will end well for both of you.


Just over a month passes of you and Remus faking a relationship; it wasn't much of an extension of your friendship, truthfully. The both of you being more touchy-feely with each other; brushes of shoulders, random pecks on cheeks. Remus played the part of your boyfriend so naturally; it was hard for you to keep your feelings for the man in check. Each brush of his lips had your heart racing; each soft smile had your stomach filling with butterflies.

It comes to ahead on a Wednesday evening. Nothing particularly remarkable happens that day; another Order meeting, and another strategy put in place to further the advance of the Order against the Dark Lord, but it's also your night to cook for the group and that's always an event.

You had finished cooking; the food only needing to simmer now until people were hungry enough to grab plates and bowls and whatever else they may need. Satisfied, you stir the pot one more time, making sure that none of the food is catching on the heat.

"So you and Lupin?" A voice questions from the door. You look up from your spot at the stove to see your ex entering the kitchen with his arms folded and an unimpressed look on his face.

"What about me and Remus?" You ask; voice unbothered as you continue to stir the food.

"You're dating?"

You nod, "That we are. And happily, I might add."

"Since when?"

"Close to six months now," You reply nonchalantly; sticking to the story so meticulously thought out by Remus and yourself.

"Not long after we ended things," Your ex comments lightly though you hear the accusation in his tone.

"Well you know what they say – you don't realise what you have until it's right in front of you."

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