The Late Morning Sun // R.L. [BLURB]

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The late morning sun filtered through the window, rays lighting the room up brightly and warming the couple laid on the couch.

For such a small couch, they make it work between them. Remus is sprawled on his back with (Y/N) tucked into the space between his body and the back of the couch. Their legs are tangled together and Remus' only free hand travels through (Y/N)'s hair at a pace that is close to sending her to sleep.

She breathes in deeply, taking in the familiar and comforting scent of sweet orange and myrrh. Remus never seemed to wear any cologne, the scent being all natural as she burrows further into the warmth of his shoulder, closing her eyes in contentment.

Remus pauses in the act of reading; the book open in one hand, his thumb acting as bookmark as he glances down at her. He sees her closed eyes, and barely represses a yawn himself.

"Why did you stop?" She mumbles sleepily, eyebrows furrowing over her closed eyes.

"You're nodding off, my darling," Remus whispers, "I don't want you to miss a thing."

"You're incredibly sweet, Remus Lupin," She answers before her breathing evens out and she falls asleep next to him. Remus smiles at the sight, running his hand through her hair one last time and pressing one, two, three kisses to her forehead.

"You make me so unbelievably happy," are his final words before he succumbs to the late morning sun, falling asleep with her in his arms as it was always meant to be.

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