I'm Yours // S.B. [BLURB]

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The friendship truly didn't make any sense. A Hufflepuff best friends with a Gryffindor, and a Marauder on top of that. It shouldn't make sense, but anyone who watched you interact with Sirius Black suddenly saw how well you worked together. They also saw how hopelessly in love the both of you were with each other; the other clueless to the feeling between you.


"(Y/N)," Sirius whispers, repeating your name until you turn to him.

"What?" You hiss.

"Can I borrow your ink pot?" He asks with a knowing smile.

"Where's yours?"

"I want to say my trunk but I don't really know."

You sigh through your nose, repressing the urge to roll your eyes at the long haired Marauder. "Fine, but you owe me for this, Sirius."

Sirius crosses his quill across his chest. "Cross my heart, the next Hogsmeade trip is on me."

This time you do roll your eyes as you reach for your ink pot at the same time as Sirius. Your hand brushes his by accident to which you pull away quickly. "I'm sorry," You offer, taking a step back to allow Sirius to grab whatever he needed, but he seemed frozen to the spot.


He unfreezes, shaking his head and running a hand through his unruly hair. "You called?" He asks, smiling at you.

"You had frozen, I was seeing if you were okay."

Sirius smiles, picking up his quill and continuing with his school work. "I'm always okay, you know that."

You roll your eyes, unamused at the antics of the Gryffindor. Sirius laughs at your actions, nudging your shoulder with his as you return to the work at hand. "You infuriate me," You grit out, unimpressed.

Sirius makes a klaxon noise, making you jump as he points his quill at you. "Wrong. You love me."

"If you say so," You quip, turning your attention back to the teacher at the front of the classroom, trying your hardest to keep your feelings for the Marauder hidden deep within you. If Sirius were to find out what you felt, the friendship would end and you would be left without your closest friend.


It comes to a head on a sunny morning in the middle of June. The school years was beginning to wind down; teachers and students alike more concerned over organising their summer plans than sticking to the curriculum despite exams being around the corner.

Sirius joins you in the Hufflepuff common room; sitting quietly across from you as you rewrite your notes from Potions. You needed to get this potion down or Slughorn would have your head.

"We need to talk," Sirius starts, pulling the parchment away from you.

"We do?" You squeak, nervous as to the direction of this conversation.

"I know," Sirius states plainly.

"Know what?"

"I know about your feelings for me. I have for a while."

"What?" You breathe, all oxygen leaving you in a rush so quick it leaves you lightheaded.

"Don't panic," Sirius murmurs, "Breathe for me. You have nothing to worry about."

"Nothing to worry about," You laugh humourlessly, "I never planned on telling you how I felt! I was petrified of losing you."

"Just say the word and I'm yours," Sirius says, interrupting your rant, "I've been yours since the first moment I saw you, but I need you to say the words."

"What?" You say; the wind knocked out of you for a second time in five minutes.

"I'm yours, I always have been. I think I always will be."

"I love you," You whisper, unable to keep them inside you.

A large grin breaks over Sirius' face as he takes your face in his hands, brushing your cheekbones with his thumbs as his eyes search your face in disbelief.

"I love you too," He answers, dipping his head to press his lips to yours. All thoughts of revision flying from your mind.

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