Heaven (J.P.) [drabble]

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James had been off with you all day.

He had been distant; lost in his mind whilst pushing you away as gently as he could. At meal times, he focused more on speaking to Sirius rather than asking about your day. He would still walk you to class, but the conversation was stilted, though his grip on your hand remained as tight as ever.

By the time the day is over, and all students have retreated to their common rooms or the library, you've had enough of James living inside his head.

You knew the exact cause of this mood change, and he needed to admit it.

"You're jealous," You state; joining him on the couch some distance away.

"I'm not jealous," James protests, "Why would I be jealous of Will?"

You tap a finger against the side of your cheek; pretending to think it over, "Because he had my attention this morning and you didn't."

James huffs, pouting slightly. He crosses his arms against his chest.

"Poor baby," You coo.

"I'm not jealous," He states once more.

You hold your hands up in surrender, "Alright, you're not jealous. Then you won't mind that I won't be eating lunch with you tomorrow."

"What? Why?"

"I'm tutoring Will tomorrow. You were there when we organised this, but you were glaring at the poor boy."

James wants to sulk, but it would only be providing you with more ammunition.

James sighs; picking at a loose thread on the sleeve of his grey jumper, "I feel like I haven't seen you in so long. You're a very a busy person, did you know that? The clubs and the tutoring and the extra credit. I feel like I haven't sat with you in so long."

Something inside you softens at his whispered words. You move closer to him on the couch; reaching out to run a hand through his hair. James rubs his eyes from under his glasses; annoyed at himself for getting so worked up.

"I didn't know you felt like that," You whisper.

James smiles shyly, "I didn't want to say anything because you're doing so well and I'm so proud of you. I just miss you as well."

Those words are what make up your mind, "I'm gonna send a note to Will through the house elves. I'll tell him I have to reschedule because I'm double booked."

"But you aren't?" James asks, puzzled at this change in direction.

You lean forward, pressing a soft kiss to his lips – one that has him chasing you for more.

"But I am double booked. I'm spending tomorrow with you, making up for some of the lost time, and if we skip a few classes, we skip a few classes. How does that sound?"

James' hand winds itself in your hair, pulling you back down to his lips. Against your mouth, he whispers, "Heaven."

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