Freshly Baked Goods and Nineties Boybands // S.B. [BLURB]

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The heavenly scent of freshly baked cookies filled the kitchen as you placed the new batch on the cooling rack. You danced happily as your phone played in the background; Spotify blaring out the playlist you had made for when you spending the day baking.

Smiling proudly, you wipe a hand across your cheek, not caring at the streak of flour left behind. Your recipe book sits to the left of you which you grab, flicking through the pages for your next recipe to tackle for the arrival of Sirius' godson and his friends.

"You didn't start without me!" Sirius whines entering the kitchen and immediately reaching for a still hot cookie.

"Sorry babe," You laugh, "I couldn't wait any longer."

Sirius frowns but it soon melts away when he takes the first bite of the cookie. The chocolate chips dissolve in his mouth and Sirius groans happily at the taste. "These are amazing," He compliments, "I don't know what you do, but you make the best cookies."

You snort, brushing your hair away from your face. "You're a flatterer."

"What are you making next?"

"Flapjack," You answer, reaching for the weighing scales and oats.

"Let me help," Sirius urges, skipping the song playing.

"I liked that song!" You complain, pouting at Sirius.

"You need better music taste, babe."

"I don't believe you. You come in here, steal my cookies and insult my music taste. I won't take it!"

Sirius laughs, leaving your phone to play as he wraps his arms around, pressing kiss after kiss to your flour covered cheek. "I apologise for insulting your music taste, but nineties boybands, really?"

"Coming from the man who knows every word to every Britney Spears song," You answer, arching an eyebrow at the man wrapped around you.

"Hey," Sirius states, "Britney Spears is a lyrical genius and sorely underestimated."

"Okay, babe," You appease. "Can you grab me the golden syrup from the cupboard?"

"As you wish."

The rest of the morning is spent in the best of ways. Sugar filled kisses exchanged over your Spotify playlist; Sirius managing to distract you long enough for Harry to interrupt your make out session by clearing his throat. Sirius only laughs, presenting Harry and his friends with baked goods as you smile sillily at the long haired man

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