Today, Tomorrow, Forever (S.B.) [Soulmate AU]

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Angst 7: "Holding it all in... it doesn't help."

Fluff 14: "All I want is to sleep by your side."

Warnings: feelings of upset, stress, mentions of anxiety - lots of comfort and fluff.

Word count: 2.5k


Soulmates were funny things. They were formed by the witches of old; a way to protect the magical population – a way to find the equal in yourself.

Centuries have passed since the first soulmate pair found each other; their love documented, and their stories told around fires and bedsides until it had been watered down, so the bare bones of the tale existed, but the rest had been fluffed up to appease lonely hearts and minds.

You had found your soulmate in your Sixth Year at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. There was no soulmate mark or the sudden stopping of time. Instead, your hearts found each other. He had found you in the library; unable to stay away from you and unable to provide a reason why except for the fact that he felt like he needed to be with you in that very moment.

From there, you fell for Sirius Black. Your heart answering his call and giving itself willingly to the long haired Marauder.


The letter arrives with the rest of your owl post. A letter from your aunt, your monthly subscription to a serial publication publishing the latest fictional stories, and a letter from your mother.

Sipping at your orange juice, you push the letter from your mother to one side. Deciding to read it last, you open the letter from your beloved aunt who is more than thrilled that she is to become a grandmother for the fourth time and that she is feeling much better after her bout of illness. She thanks you for checking up on her before sending all her love your way and asking about Sirius.

You finish reading her letter with a large smile on her face; feeling closer to your aunt than you did your own mother. It was your aunt who met Sirius first after the soulmate bond clicked into place; she had approved of him immediately, thinking back to when she met her husband – your uncle – and how she felt in that moment. She took one look at Sirius, and how he looked at you – with nothing but unadulterated love in his eyes - and decided that there was no issue to be had with the young man.

Refusing to put it off any longer, you drag your mother's letter in front of you. Topping up your juice and adding more toast to your plate, you prepare yourself for whatever lay inside.

"We've been in contact with your teachers. We were displeased with the last update you sent us. As your parents, we urge you to break things off with Sirius Black. If not for your grades, at least for your reputation. All London talks about is the scandal of him and his family – you don't want to sully our name with that, do you?"

You gasp as you finish the letter; anger and upset flashing through you. You looked around the Great Hall; briefly wondering whether everyone would mind if you began to scream out of frustration.

It didn't matter what you did; it didn't matter the time and effort you put into your school work, it was never enough for your parents. Tears fill your eyes, but you blink them away; steadfastly refusing to give your parents the satisfaction of your upset.

How dare they? You think. How dare they even suggest leaving Sirius? As a soul-mated pair, they should know what a suggestion would even mean to you both.

Breaking the bond was rare, but it happened. If the bond was rejected, it could break, but it would be at great cost for both involved. For your parents to even suggest breaking the bond with Sirius... rage lanced through you. It wasn't even something worth considering.

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