Flame of a Candle (R.L./LE)

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Warnings: fluff, mentions of food.

Word count: 1.8k


It was not your fault.

It absolutely was not your fault that the newest shop on the high street was an independent candle store.

And it wasn't your fault that instead of entering the bakery like you had planned, you walked into the candle shop.

It also wasn't your fault that you left the shop with a bag full of candles.

You made it to the bakery though, grabbing everything on your list. Bread, teacakes, vanilla slices for Remus. The visit to the new candle shop, simply a small stop on the way.

You would usually make this trip with Remus; his hand gripping yours tightly as you peeked in the windows of all the shops. But you left him bed in this time, snoring away, completely oblivious to the world. This past full moon had been exceptionally rough; he came back with larger cuts and bruises that had you silently crying as you patched him up. It never did get any easier to see the added injuries after a full moon.

The day is beginning to brighten as you return to the home you shared with Remus. The garden path lined with pansies and marigolds, adding a cheery disposition to the ivy-covered cottage you called home.

Remus would be soon awake, so you head to the kitchen to put his vanilla slices in the fridge before adding your new candles to the ever-growing collection that had slowly filled three cupboards with differing size jars and tins.

Your placing the final glass jar candle in the cupboard when you hear his footsteps creaking on the stairs and his raspy voice calling out.

"Darling, what are you doing?" Remus questions; his voice still gravelly with sleep.

It had been a week since the last full moon, and he was still catching up with missed hours. He was awoke once as he reached out for you in his sleep and found your side of the bed empty; it worried him for a minute but then he realised that you would be in town so sleep quickly overtook him again. He stirred back awake to the sound of the closing cupboard door; his senses still sensitive after the change, hearing and smelling everything within a small distance.

The hesitation before your answer has his curiosity piqued as he steps into the kitchen to see you closing a cupboard door.

"Nothing, dear!" Your voice chimes.

He chuckles, "You really are the worst liar."

"Excuse me? I'll have you know that I am an excellent liar – so good in fact that MI6 are thinking of hiring me."

"(Y/N), I love you, but yes, you're the worst liar."

"I'm hurt, Remus. Truly, deeply hurt." You gasp, holding a hand to your heart.

"Stop deflecting," He laughs, "What were you doing that's so secretive?"

You fiddle with your fingers, "So I went into town to go the bakery,"

"Is that it?"

You shake your head, "Well I got somewhat waylaid on the way to the bakery."

Remus raises an eyebrow, leaning against the kitchen counter and crossing his arms, "Now you've got my attention."

"There's a new shop that's opened on the high street; what used to be the bridal shop."

"Put me out of my misery – what type of shop is it?"

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