Come What May (S.B.)

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Request: hey! can i get a request for an american transfer (i'm not sure if they were even a thing lol but anyways) and she is a hufflepuff? maybe she becomes friends with remus due to him being a prefect and sirius ends up really liking her? if you want to change it up a little bit for your writing that's perfectly fine! xx - anon

A/N: Title is from Moulin Rouge! - Come What May (my favourite musical!) 3.3k.

Warnings: fluff, mentions of pregnancy, I wanna say swearing but I can't remember, mentions of nausea, mentions of anxiety, mentions of homesickness


In an attempt to improve relations between the wizarding worlds of the United States of America and the United Kingdom, MACUSA and the Ministry of Magic set up a transfer scheme for sixth years of Ilvermorny and Hogwarts. The entirety of their sixth year would be spent abroad where they would gain the worthwhile experience of receiving an education in a different country.

Some pressure from your mother had you applying to spend a year at Hogwarts. Only ten students from the year group were given the opportunity – when it was offered to you, you took it with both hands. A year abroad would look good on your final transcript when applying to train as a Healer.

Upon arriving at Hogwarts, you were swiftly sorted into Hufflepuff; a kind, gentle house that made you feel welcome. Their proximity to the school kitchens would help with reducing the stress for exam season, you thought.

Your first week was plagued with intense homesickness. The Scottish Highlands were hauntingly beautiful, but they were nothing compared to your surroundings at Ilvermorny. You longed for the familiar sight of the familiar Mount Greylock. You missed your family, but your mother's letters would still find you at Hogwarts. Professor McGonagall had assured you of that.

Your classes were hard to navigate. Hogwarts was bigger than Ilvermorny and you found yourself running from one side of the castle to the other in an attempt to get to lessons on time.

"Hi, are you okay?" A male voice asks. You turn to find lanky teenager with scars littering his face looking at you in concern. A prefect badge on the collar of his robes had you relaxing; here was someone that could help you.

"Hey!" You shout, eagerly, happy to see a friendlier face, "I'm lost. I'm trying to find Divination."

He smiles at you, "You're in luck, I'm heading to Divination as well."

"That's great, I'll follow your lead. I've been here three weeks; you'd have thought I'd have the layout down by now."

He chuckles, "I'm Remus, by the way."

You hold a hand out to him, he shakes it once, "I'm (Y/N). I'm part of the transfer scheme between Ilvermorny and Hogwarts."

Remus sits beside you in Divination; helping you when you struggled with understanding the teacher's accent. Divination was taught at Ilvermorny, and along with Herbology and Potions, was one of the subjects you excelled at. Your four times great grandmother on your father's side was a prophetess who barely escaped the witch trials in Salem; her talents had been passed down to you.

The lesson is over fairly quickly with Remus by your side, helping to translate the Professor's words. You're packing your books up, hoping your usually spot in the library isn't taken when Remus asks: "(Y/N), would you like to join me for lunch? You'll have to meet my friends, but they're mainly harmless."


Remus flashed you a grin, "They'll talk your ear off, but they mean well."

"In that case, I'd love to join you for lunch. I'd be spending it in alone in the library, so this is a definite upgrade. Lead the way."

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