Hair Dye (S.B)

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A/N: 1k of pure fluff!

Warnings: some swearing, but honestly it's a load of fluff


"Love, you do know you are magic right?"

"Sirius, I love you but please shut up and mix the bleach. My roots need doing."

The smell of the bleach has both of your noses crinkling but Sirius is, as always, determined and works his way around your head, applying the bleach onto your roots, making sure that they are well covered before taking a step back.

The bleach burns as it develops; a sensation you had become used to over time. You sit on the toilet with cling film wrapped around your head; the heat helping the bleach to take quicker. It's a sight to see – Sirius grins as he leans against the sink.

"Do you think you'd ever dye your hair a different colour?" You wonder.

Sirius takes a moment to think it over, "I don't know. I don't trust a lot of people with my hair."

You laugh, "I know you don't, but curiosity you know?"

"I do know," He starts, "Why don't we try it?"

"Try what?"

"Dye a bit of my hair? We can match then."

"Are you serious?"

"That's my name, but yes, I'm being serious."

With the left over bleach in the bowl, you apply it to single chunk of his hair – right behind his ear in a place that can be covered easily but would show if his hair was tied up.

Sirius is nervous all the way through the process. He hardly ever touched his hair – he'd have the occasional trim but had never done anything as drastic in this. His trust in you at this moment was implicit.

As you're sectioning his hair off and applying the bleach, you're slightly overwhelmed with the trust he was placing in you. Sirius was the first to admit that he was quite vain when it came to his looks and his hair. He made it his mission in Third Year to grow it out, and he had kept it long – enjoying the looks he got off boys and girls whenever he tied it up.

You enjoyed playing with his hair; he'd let you plait it and style it, but he had never let you make such a permanent change. It scared him, but he trusted you with every inch of his life.


You towel dry his bleached strand as Sirius towel dries your hair. He wraps the same towel around your shoulders, pulling you in for quick kiss before sitting you back down on the toilet.

"I'm assuming you're staying purple." Sirius murmurs, emptying the tube of dye into another bowl.

"You assume correct, sir." You laugh, "It's only my roots that need touching up and I'm not in any rush to change this colour. Let's do your strand first, that way I don't use too much on my hair."

Sirius chuckles, but lets you apply the dye to his now freshly bleached lock. He watches you in the mirror; your tongue peaks out of your mouth as you focus on making sure his hair is entirely covered.

Once you've finished with his strand, he works his way around your head, painting the purple dye onto your lighter roots.

Idle conversation is made through this; plans for the weekend, whether Remus was finally going to ask the girl at the coffee shop out – he had been pining over her for two months now, it was time he did something, you felt, and Sirius agreed with a smile.

He leans back against the sink and crosses his arms as the dye develops on your hair. The conversation continues, and by the time you need to wash the dye, you've come up with a plan to get Remus to ask out the girl from the coffee shop. Sirius thinks that it's an extravagant plan but he's happy to go along with it as it's your plan, and he'd go to the ends of the earth for you.

By the end of the afternoon, you had both finished with the dyes, happy with the final result. Your hair had returned to its bright purple, no root showing to lessen the effect and Sirius was happy with the singular purple streak now running through his hair.

He didn't think he would ever change his hair, but he realises that there isn't a lot that he wouldn't do for you. He tucks his hair behind his ear, liking the way the purple sits with his dark-brown-almost-black hair. He chuckles to himself as he thinks of how his mother and father would react to see his hair like this.

The Marauders don't notice a thing until Sirius ties his hair up around them. Then they see the bright purple streak behind his ear.

"Sirius," James gasps, "You let (Y/N) touch your hair... but no-one is allowed to touch your hair."

"(Y/N) is." Sirius states in a matter-of-fact tone, "I wouldn't trust you lot with my hair even if you paid me."

"Ha bloody ha." Remus laughs, "What made you decide to do this?"

Sirius shrugs, "I wanted to match."

James looks at Sirius with his mouth open, "That is possibly the sweetest bloody thing I've ever heard."

Sirius rolls his eyes. "Seriously," James continues, "I want that. Do you think (Y/N) would bleach a section of my hair and dye it red to match Lily's?"

Remus laughs at James, "How do you think Lily would respond to that?"

James shrugs, a glint of mischief alive in his eyes, "I don't know but I'm willing to try."

Sirius chuckles, "I'll talk to (Y/N) and see what can be done."

James beams, thinking of Lily's reaction, "Sweet, thanks mate."


Sirius is still thinking of James' idea when he falls onto the couch next to you hours later.

"How are the lads?"

"James wants you to bleach his hair like mine and dye it red for Lily."

You gasp, "With their wedding this close? I'm not risking my maid of honour title for that man."

"I told him you'd think about it, but I'll let him know it's a definite no."

You lean into Sirius' side, "Maybe for their first anniversary – where Lily can't kill me."

"What do you think then? Do you like the colour?"

Sirius hums as your finger curls around the coloured lock of his hair. He catches your hand in his, bringing it to his lips. He nips one of your knuckles before kissing the back of your hand.

"I do, but I have something to ask you."

"And that is?"

His eyes shine bright as he asks, "What colour is next?"

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