Mixtape (S.B.) [light smut]

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A/N: If you are under 18, please read the warnings. I cannot stop you from reading but I will do my bit by warning you all. The smut starts with a boat scene, so that's my warning for you all. 3.3k.

Warnings: swearing, mentions of food and alcohol, allusions to sex as well as a smut scene so under 18s, do not read.


The September wind is cold and brisk as it wraps around you on your way to work at the Ministry for Magic.

Summer had come and gone in a rush of sun, sea, sand, and Sirius Black.

The build-up to the holiday was something else; he wouldn't tell you where you were going. It didn't matter how many times you guessed or argued; he would not crack. He even went to the extent of enlisting Lily to pack your things.

"It's our first holiday together," He said one night, his fingers trailing up and down your arm. "I'd like to keep it a surprise for as long as I can."

The sincerity in his voice was reflected in his eyes, and you couldn't remain angry at him, "Okay, I'll just have to wait."

He flipped you onto your back; pressing the right amount of his weight on top you, enough so you couldn't wiggle away. He pressed kisses all over your face, "You're going to love it."

"I know I will, I'm with you."

"Sap," he mouthed before kissing you, effectively distracting you from your inquisition.


Clocking in, you think back to the moment you arrived on the small Greek island:


The warmth of the sun settles over your skin as you step off the plane; Sirius close behind you. You tilt your face into the light, feeling all the tension make its way out of your body. Sirius' hand is a steadying presence as you take in your first sight of the island. You had seen it from the sky; had gripped your seat in fear and anticipation as the plane made its awkward landing – the island being too small for a traditional landing but seeing the island from this level has you breathless from its beauty.

Your leg bounces up and down for the entire coach transfer to your hotel. Sirius chuckles as his hand grips your knee to keep it from bouncing. Your eyes are wide as you take in the full beauty of the island; the constant views of the Aegean Sea as well as the greenery of the trees. Even through the windows of the coach, you can hear the unrelenting chorus of the crickets – their song heavier in the mid-July heat.

The coach stops outside your hotel; Sirius pulling you off by hand and picking up your suitcases. It's a small family run establishment – as is every hotel on the island. And from your first look of the whitewashed walls and terracotta tiles, you were in love. The eldest son walks you to your room for the next two weeks; he hands you the key with a kind smile, explaining that the attached restaurant is open until eleven that night, but the bar is open until the early hours of two.

He departs with a goodbye and a thank you, leaving you and Sirius to explore the medium-sized room you would call home for the next fortnight.

Upon sight of the bed, Sirius drops the suitcases and promptly jumps on the mattress, landing on his back. His hair fans out around him, resembling a halo. You snort at him in amusement, grabbing your suitcases from where he had dropped them to place them on the small bench across the room.

Flinging open the balcony doors, you leave your lover on the bed to see more of the resort. You hold your head up to the sun, enjoying the feel of its rays of your face. You sigh happily, opening your eyes and scouring them over the resort. The pool looks so inviting as does the restaurant area by the bar.

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