Soon (S.B.) [Soulmate AU]

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Fluff 13: "Compared to you: stars pale, and the moon dulls."

Misc 5: "Are you quoting a film at me?

Warnings: I continue to wax lyrical about the history of soulmates, hopeless romantic (reader and writer lol).

Word Count: 2.3k


The magic of soulmates was first discovered centuries ago; too long ago for the story to be remembered correctly, but through the years, the general gist remains the same amongst families of witches and wizards.

From birth, a witch and wizard are paired with another witch or wizard. It would take time to find their match; it would take patience of the strongest sort, but they will meet their soulmate should good fortune befall them.

How do they know they have a soulmate?

Anything written on skin; be it a word, a quote, a doodle – it all appears on their soulmates skin. Anything other than their name. Centuries of debate and arguments over the exact reason for this decree fell over the world. In the end, the ministries and the scholars across the world threw their hands up in exasperation, declaring that the decree relating to the naming of soulmates would have to stay and the reasoning being that those making the decree were too awkward and stubborn to think of making life easier for an entire society that had to go into hiding.

For years, witches and wizards, once old enough, are able to communicate with their destined other half. The itch of a sentence being written becomes familiar; almost tolerable. Over time, they get to know their penmanship and their inner most secrets only dared scrawled onto their skin that could be hurriedly washed away if needed.

By the time the young witches and wizards in the United Kingdom have reached the age to start Hogwarts, their soulmate is already a part of them.

Now it was just trying to whittle down the student population of the school to discover who exactly was your appointed other half from birth.


Most soulmate matches at Hogwarts are made in the months April to July – it's when the weather starts to warm up; becoming bearable enough for the short sleeved blouses and shirts to be dug out from the very bottom of trunks.

Arms are on display for most of the day. It means that matches are made in the corridor, in the classrooms, in the Great Hall. Everywhere across the castle matches are made.

It's wonderful, it is. But it also makes you more impatient.

You're in the library when another match is made. Madame Pince tries her hardest to hush the new match into some level of quiet, but it does no good and thankfully, she evicts them from the library and the hush soon falls back over the great room with the same sense of a comforting blanket.

Rolling the sleeve of your cardigan up, you delicately write, "I've just seen the third match made of the day and it's not even noon."

It doesn't take long for your soulmate to reply, "I've seen two so far. Where was your third?"

"The library."

"I bet Pince was thrilled."

You snort at their reply; amused at how well they know the school's librarian.

"When is it going to be our turn?" You ask somewhat hesitantly.

The reply takes a few minutes, but it comes all the same, "Soon."

You rag your sleeve back down in frustration, repressing the building groan. You didn't know your soulmate's name, but you had given him the nickname of 'aloof'. He had gone to great personal care to not reveal too much about himself other than the fact that he was male, he went to Hogwarts and he was your age.

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