Butterbeer and BonBons (S.B.)

2.5K 40 1

Warnings: THIS FOCUSES A LOT ON CHOCOLATE AND SWEETS. BE AWARE OF MENTIONS OF FOOD. Some swearing, pining, mutual pining, so much fluff your teeth will rot, teenagers in love, teenage angst

Word count: 3.5k


It wasn't often that the long haired Marauder offered his services as a tutor; it wasn't often for the fact that he simply didn't want to help anyone outside of his friends. For you, however, he would drop all his plans to spend an evening with you recalling the events of the Gargoyle Strike of 1911.

For you, Sirius would happily accept the teasing and the jokes from his friends. For you, Sirius would happily sit through the dullest of lectures. It hadn't been long since Sirius realised his feelings for you; his affection for you taking him by surprise but soon settling deep within him, becoming part of his very being as he watched and admired you from afar.

The library had long since emptied; the last two students being you and Sirius this close to curfew. It had been hours since you had stepped outside the large, cavernous room, wanting nothing more than to overcome the troublesome essay that had been set by Professor Binns. It had been hours since you started; hours since you had taken your designated seat next to Sirius and began your work.

This long in, a headache was starting to form behind your eyes, making it increasingly hard to focus. "You're giving me a headache, Sirius," You moan, rubbing your temples with two fingers as Sirius pauses his mini-lecture to take a breath.

Sirius laughs, closing his books, "That's enough studying then."

You smile gratefully at the long haired marauder, "Thank you for helping me, I know you aren't the biggest fan of this subject."

"No," He states dryly, "I can't say I'm Professor Binn's biggest fan."

"Still," You sigh, "You didn't have to help, but you did, so thank you."

Sirius shakes his head, dismissing your gratitude. He would have helped you regardless; he didn't need to extra credit for being a tutor nor did he care much for it. He just wanted to help you; he would always help you.

You roll your eyes, smiling at him as you begin to close the masses of leather bound books surrounding you. Book after book had been pulled from the shelves as you started to get to the crux of your essay, and now you wanted to groan at the task of putting them back in their rightful place.

"Fancy a trip?" Sirius asks suddenly; mischief shining bright in his eyes, personified further by the growing smirk on his lips.

You raise an eyebrow, placing the last book on its correct shelf. "That depends," You state warily, "What did you have in mind?"

His smirk grows larger; he leans forward, resting his forearms on the table, "Shall we go to Hogsmeade?"

You immediate reaction is to laugh. It wasn't a Hogsmeade weekend, and it wouldn't be for another two weeks. "How are we going to Hogsmeade when it isn't a Hogsmeade weekend, Sirius?"

Sirius shakes his head; refusing to answer your question. Instead, he stands, holding out a hand for you to take. "Do you trust me?" He asks; voice full of sincerity.

Wordlessly, you nod, taking his hand and letting him lead you from the library. He doesn't let loose as he leads you to the staircase; stepping onto one and letting it lead the way.

"What?" You smile; leaning closer to him on instinct, wanting to know the joke that has him grinning like a fool.

Sirius shakes his head, "I just can't believe I got you to sneak about the castle with me. You've never done something this bad."

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