FELL IN LOVE WITH A GUY AT THE ROCK SHOW- uh, Hidden Room? Rock Band? Rock Band

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Alternative title: My New Best Friend's a Metalhead

Kyoutani Kentarou x Secret Rocker! Male Reader

OKAY, if you've ever read my bio, you'd know that I'm a HUGE Kyoutani simp - unapologetically - but, it seems I've never even written a single oneshot about him. So, that's what I'm doing here!

Basically, (Y/n) is in a secret band he put together that practices in a totally not cliché secret room in the school. That room just so happens to be located a few feet away from the hallway that leads directly to the gym building. I'll let the rest be told below. Oh! And uh, you're gonna have sorta longer hair - like punk-style. No choice. It just fits ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Also, if you've never heard of Less Than Jake before this, you're welcome. This song is titled "All My Best Friends are Metalheads".

"Hey, sorry I'm late!" (Y/n) said, a smile on his face as he walked through the door.

"Dude, you're almost half an hour late. What the hell were you doing?" Hiroyuki asked, tying his dyed neon green hair back out of his eyes and picking up his sticks.

"Yeah really, it doesn't usually take that long to get from your last period to here." Koujima piped in, tuning his bright blue Gibson as he sat atop one of the speakers.

"I wanted to help Haru with cleaning duty," (Y/n) shrugged, "so sue me." The punk rolled his eyes playfully and chuckled.

"You'd never think the second most punk-ass lookin' guy in the whole school would care so much about helping someone clean a classroom." Noriko laughs to himself, subconsciously plucking at his bright orange bass guitar strings as he waited for the others to be ready.

"Well ex- cuse me for wanting to be helpful!" The (h/c) teen stuck his tongue out at the noirette, the both of them sharing a chuckle after no more than a second.

"I'd tease you for liking the girl, but uh," Izumu pitched in his deep voice, gesturing at their lead singer with a shrug and a chuckle as he finished tuning his twelve-string neon purple electric.

"Alright," (Y/n) started, getting the rest of the band to stand up, drum sticks in position and guitar straps over shoulders. "Let's go."

The guitars struck and the drums beat once, (Y/n) quickly tore the tie from his hair, letting it fall on beat - and banging his head each time the drums hit, smiling to get into the music.

Leaning the mic stand away for a few seconds, he jumped twice with the cymbals before yanking the stand back up to sing.

'' You think it's strange, that there's a way
Of how you looked, and how you act, and how you think
Pretend they're not the same as you ''

'' You think it's strange, that there's a way
Of how you looked, and how you act, and how you think
Pretend they're not the same as you ''

'' Do you know about her strength in convictions
Or how she puts all her faith in religion
Did we take the time to really discover
How little
We know about each other! ''

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