Chapter Fourteen

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I have no idea what's going on. May never hangs out with me, not since high school ended. How did she even know I was here, I haven't talked to her in a while.

"Where are we going?" May asked.

I looked to Chris, who gripped the steering wheel but made no attempts to answer May. So I turned around in my seat and answered. "We have errands to run for me. Are you sure you want to hang with us for that?"

"Oh, pish, we're best friends, Raylynn, of course I want to help, but why are you staying with Chris-"

"Christian." Chris interrupted.

May just looked at Chris and smiled before continuing. "At his house?"

The smile I held faded away. May was my best friend so I no choice but to tell her the truth, right?

Before I could put what happened into words, Chris answered. "I wanted her with me all the time and the only way to do that was to have her move in with me."

I smiled, Chris knew how hurt I still was about how my family threw me out so he answered before I had the chance to relieve the pain. Chris took his right hand off of the wheel and held my hand on his thigh with it. He thumb moved across my skin, stroking it in a comforting gesture.

Before long we were at the verizon store looking at the latest smartphones. "Android or iPhone?" Chris asked as he pulled me from phone to phone with May trailing close behind.

"Mmm, I'm an android person, I think I want the Samsung Galaxy Note 4."

"You know, the iPhone 6 plus is the same size."

I giggled. "It's not about the size of the phone but the specs, I prefer and android to an iphone."

"Do you have the money for a new phone with your Dad no longer paying your way?" May sneered.

I faced her and took a step away. "What's your problem? Yes, I have the money because I have a job, remember? I invited you to the celebration dinner with Chris and I."

"Ah, yes and sorry, I just wanted to make sure you weren't trying to take advantage of Chris and his kindness just because he's rich."

I was taken aback by May's tone and attitude. I didn't want to get why she said it so I let go of Chris' hand and walked away.


"Chris." I purred.

"Christian." He corrected, following after Raylynn, she went up to a worker and asked for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4.

I grabbed him arm to make him face me, when he pulled away, I chalked it up to his denying the attraction between us. "Christian, don't let Raylynn take advantage of you. I've known her for years and she does this all the time when she dates guys."

"May, call yourself a taxi and go home. Lose my address and walk away from Raylynn and I." Christian said as he walked up to Raylynn and the worker.

"But why?" I whined. Christian didn't look my way or acknowledged that he heard me.

I huffed and walked outside the verizon store with my phone to my ear. After calling a taxi, I hatched a plan.

The taxi ride was long but I was where I was supposed to be to insure Christian was mine. I knocked on the door and waited for an answer.


"Car dealership next." Raylynn said excitedly.

I smiled. After the antics May, Raylynn's so called friend pulled, I was sure the whole day was ruined. "You paid for your phone, I get to pay for your car."

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