Chapter Sixteen

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I quietly but quickly went around the room and packed up everything that was mine. I hit the bathroom, the closet, even under the bed. By the time I was finished, you'd never know I was there. It took less than half an hour and what was surprising was that they were so comfortable in each other's arms that neither woke up, and that I managed to pack with a headache and blurry eyesight.

I drug everything out of the room and went for the stairs. I remembered Grandma's words about talking it out and ran back to the room with my cell phone. I took a couple of pictures of Anna and Chris and ran back out the room. I packed my car and drove to the only place I knew I could go.


Hearing the door close, I twisted around and saw that Chris was still sleeping beside me. My imagination, I thought.

I turned over fully and kissed Chris' lips, his nose, his cheeks. Nothing can describe the feeling of finally having Chris all to myself.

My final kiss to his lips lingered and woke him up. A smile came across his face as his eyelids fluttered until they finally opened. His smile vanished. "Uh, why are you in my bed, Anna?"

I laughed. "You invited me, Silly."

Chris rubbed his eyes in a move I could only describe as heavenly. "Why?"

"Why what?" I asked, moving to kiss him again.

He moved back. "Why did I invite you into my bed?!"

"You don't remember?" I touched my hand to his chest, sliding it down to his abs.

Chris rolled out of bed and stood on the opposite side. "What. Happened?"

I sat up, realizing this was serious. "Last night, we were talking, you and I. Everyone else left, I told you my feelings, you said you understood, I told you I didn't want to go home and I asked if I could stay with you. You said yes. We crawled into bed together and here we are now."

He rubbed his hand down his face, looking at me while I sit in one of his shirts and my panties. "Did we have sex?"

I shook my head. "Does it matter, it's not like we've never had sex before?"

"I didn't have a serious girlfriend before and I told you that would never happen again."

"You were willing last night." I muttered as I stood and crossed my arms over my chest, looking away from him.

"Shit, what if Raylynn sees this? Get dressed and get out, we'll talk about this at a later date." He looked to the floor for his clothes.

My arms dropped along with my mouth. "Are you dismissing me? I thought we were on the same page after last night?"

Pulling up his pants, he said, "I was drunk last night and so were you. As far as I'm concerned, this never happened."

"We didn't do anything wrong, break up with Raylynn, tell her about us and she'll move on. I'll be your new girlfriend and we'll live happily ever after."

"The only place for you in my life is as my best friend. You can't do that, lose my number and my address. By the time I come back here with Raylynn, you better be gone. I'm not joking, Anna." Fully dressed, he walked out and slammed the door shut behind him.


I checked all the guest rooms and couldn't find a trace of Raylynn anywhere. I went to Crispin's room to see what he knew.

I didn't knock, just walked on in. "Crisp, you know where Raylynn went?"

Crispin wiped his tired eyes. "She was in a guest room last."

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