Chapter Twenty-Five

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"You're really going to go talk to her?" Raylynn asked, arms crossed in front of her stomach.

I dropped the jacket I was about to put on and crossed the room to where she lay in her hospital bed. I uncrossed her arms, lifted the hospital gown and stroked her belly. It's funny, I'm not sure if the bulge was always there and I just never noticed it or if I I'm imagining a bulge because I know my baby is growing inside of her.

"Baby, we have to put an end to this. Today could have been horrible. Something could have happened to you and I wouldn't have been able to bare that."

I kneel down so that we're face to face. "So I have to go so they can put her away. She talks to me and confesses, then we don't have to hear from her ever again."

"I just don't understand why you have to go, can't they put her away based on those men saying she hired them?" She mumbled.

"It's their word against hers and her father is a politician. They aren't going to arrest her off the word of known criminals so they need a confession and she isn't going to confess unless she speaks with me."

Raylynn looked away, then with a sigh agreed. "Okay but come back soon. Wait, Chris, how are you getting to the police station?"

"I will and I had the person that drove us here and a bodyguard bring my car here before they called it a night." I moved my hand and kissed her stomach, mumbling a farewell to my unborn child. I then turned her face to me and kissed her lips, before tucking her in. "Christopher will be back soon and then I'll head back." I looked over to Crispin who was asleep on the couch of the private room. "When I come back I'll bring dinner with me, do you want anything specific?"

"Two hot dogs, one with chili cheese and banana peppers and the other Chicago style without onions and cheese." I cringed as she described the food she wanted.

"Anything else?"

She smiled. "Chili cheese tater tots and a Dr. Pepper please."

"No caffeine while your pregnant." How about a tea?"

"Your kidding? Are you really going to deny me soda for the next six months?"


"Where did you hear that crap anyway?"

"I read it, ask your doctor when he comes around."

"Is that what you've been reading since we've been here, books on pregnancy?"

"Yeah." I blush. "What to Expect When You're Expecting and What to Expect for New Daddy's."

"So you're really happy about this?" Raylynn whispered in awe.

"Absolutely, baby." I grinned at her.

There was a small knock on the door before Topher walked through the door.

"Hey, I'm heading to the police station. Look after them while I'm gone?"

"Of course." My brother replied.

I walked to the door, "Oh and I'm probably headed to Sonic's before I come back, text me your and Crispin's orders."

"Will do."

"And Raylynn's, there is no way I'm gonna remember an order that specific."

With a chuckle, Topher nodded.

"Hurry up and leave so you can come back." Raylynn groaned.

I smiled and walked back to her bed to kiss her. She kissed me back before pushing me away.

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