Chapter 31

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*A few weeks later*

I came back from the tour stops last week, it was really fun. I met lots of fans and I got to spend time with Jack. The only problem was that Madison (Beer) was being really touchy with Jack and was super rude to me. And Jack didn't even stop it, he was completely fine with it. I'm not usually the jealous type so if I become mad about things like this then it's something big. And after I left he barley text me. I will text him and will get ether no reply or a answer hours later. It's bothering me.


I woke up and checked my phone, no messages from Jack of course. I sighed and rolled out of bed. I walked downstairs and went to the kitchen. I made myself breakfast, and then ate. AJ woke up and came down. "Morning." He said and grabbed cereal. "Hey." I said and started walking back upstairs. "Are you gonna go anywhere today?" "No." I said and walked back up to my room. I laid back in my bed and grabbed my phone. I started looking through my timeline. Random stuff, and some drama like always. I follow some Jack fan accounts and I saw that they were tweeting out a video link and they were talking about Jack and Madison. I clicked on the video and watched it. They were at a milkshake place, by themselves... ok. "What the fuck?" I mumbled as I continued watching the video. I decided to stop watching about half way through, I grabbed my phone and called Jack. It went to voicemail... not even surprised. I sighed and called Nate. "Hello?" He answered. "Hey Nate." "Hey Katie. What's up?" "Nothing. Are you with Jack?" "No I'm with Sam and Johnson. Why?" "Where is he?" "He went somewhere with Madison." "Oh great." "Ooo is Katie getting jealous?" He teased. "Shut up. He doesn't answer my calls anymore or my text" "I'm sure its nothing." "I'm sure it's something with Madison." I said and rolled my eyes. "No. She's like 15" "So?" "So Jack wouldn't do anything with her" "You don't know that." "Yeah I do. Hey why don't you just come surprise him. You'll be able to see him and you'll both be super happy and you won't worry anymore." "Should I?" "Yeah. Sam is already booking your flight. You'll meet us in Miami." "What? Whatever I'll see you guys soon." "Ok we're booking one for tomorrow so start packing." "Shit alright. Love you bye" I said and hung up.

"AJ do you know where my suitcase is?" I yelled. "Down here in the closet! Where are you going?" He asked as I walk downstairs. "I'm gonna go surprise Jack in Miami." I said and he nodded. I grabbed the suitcase and took it upstairs. He didn't even tell me how long I was staying. Oh well, I'll pick for a week.

I finally finished packing, I realized I need to film a video. I decided to do a makeup tutorial since it had been requested a lot.

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