Chapter 12

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"I'm vlogging." I said walking from my bunk to everyone else with my camera. "Heyyyy!" All the boys shouted. "Right now we are going to Minnesota for DigiFest and I'll be vlogging the whole day." I said and smiled. I put my camera down, "Ok someone make this interesting." I said. Johnson started playing music so we all stood up and danced and sang.

We got to Minnesota, "Ok so I'm getting ready." I said and showed my outift (picture). I went to the bathroom and did my makeup. Jack came in holding my camera, "I just showed them the bus, now here is where Katie spends all her time getting ready." He said and showed me. I smiled and put my mascara away. I started ironing my hair. Jack put the camera in front of us and then kissed me, "That's porn I'm gonna have to edit that out" "Yeah we don't want your fans seeing this." He said laughing and kissing my cheek.

"I'm ready." I said and grabbed my phone and camera. Jack and I walked out of the bus hand in hand, "Katie! Jack!" We heard some fans yell from behind a fence. "I'm gonna go say hi." I said. "I have soundcheck in 10 minutes. Tell them that I'll see them later." He said and I nodded. I walked over and turned on my camera, "I'm gonna go say hi to you guys." I said and then went over to them. They all started screaming and trying to be in the vlog. I took some pictures, as best as I could with the fence in the way. "Why didn't Jack come?" A fan asked. "He has soundcheck he'll see you guys later. He said sorry." I said and she nodded. "Hey how's Jack?" Some girl asked. "What do you mean?" "Like in bed" The girl said and I started dying of laughter. I shook my head and smiled, "I remember when I use to do these things. You guys are crazy! I love it! Love you guys I have to go. See you at the show!" I said and walked away. I faced the camera to me, "Ok I didn't get that on video but this girl just asked how Jack is in bed... How awkward" I said and laughed. I got to where everyone was and then Jack came up to me, "I heard about the question." He said and laughed. "How?" "Someone got it on video and put it on vine." He said and I nodded, "Your face!" He said and I blushed, "It was a very awkward question!" I said and he kissed my cheek.

We got back on the bus and I was finished my vlog, "Alright guys well thats all for today and now I'm going to sleep. See you guys soon!" I said and covered the camera with my hand. I put the camera down and went to the bathroom. I took off my makeup and put on pjs. "Going to sleep babygirl?" Jack asked as I walked past him. "Yeah" I said and got in my bunk. He got in next to me, "Goodnight gorgeous" "Goodnight Jack." I said and he kissed my forehead.

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