Chapter 4

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Today is the big day. I'm flying out to Cleveland for our first show of Digi! We will get on the bus over there. I'm really excited. I've been hanging out with a few of the people who are going on the tour, like Sam, Jack, Johnson, and Nate. Mostly Jack though. We've gotten really close and we usually flirt all the time.

AJ dropped me off at the airport, "I'm gonna miss you baby bro." I said and gave him a hug. "I'll miss you too." "Take good care of our apartment. It better be the same when I come back." "Don't worry. Have fun ok." "I will." I said and hugged him one last time before they called my flight. On my way to the plane, I got a text.

From: Gilinsky
Can't wait to see you beautiful.

To: Gilinsky
See you in a few hours ugly😉

I sent it and then plugged in my earphones and started listening to music.


I had woken up to the flight attendant saying we have landed in Cleveland, Ohio. I got to baggage claim and got my luggages. I walked and then my phone started ringing. I picked it up, it was Jack. "Hello?" "Hey where are you?" "Um by-" "Oh wait I see you! Turn around." He said and I turned around. Jack, Johnson, Sam, Nate, and Kenny all started walking towards me. I hung up the phone and they reached me. "Hey." I said and gave them all a hug. "Hey hottie." Jack said hugging me and kissing my cheek. I looked down and blushed, he always makes me blush. "Come on we have to get to the venue before Deborah kills us." Kenny said and we all nodded. Jack took one of my luggages while I took the other. "Thanks." I said and smiled. We left the airport and got to the venue. I saw the bus and it looked bigger than I thought it would be. I put my bags in the bottom and then walked in. "Here let me show you around." Sam said grabbing my hand. "This is where we are gonna keep our food." He said as we walked past a little kitchen type area thing. "Then this is where we will hang out all the time." He said as we walked past couches and stuff. "The bunks. and this is the back where we will also hang out." he says and I smile, "Thanks for the tour. Wouldn't have been able to find my way without it." I said sarcastically. "Of course. Oh and here's like a roof access thing that you can go up to I guess if you want some air or something, when your having your girl moments" He said and winked at me as I rolled my eyes playfully. "Ok um we need to get inside for sound check." Jack said and I turned around and smiled at him. He didn't really smile back, but I ignored it. "There are already fans outside." He said. "Can we stop and take pictures?" I asked getting excited, I really want to meet my fans. "I guess." He said and we walked out. "Katie! Jack! Sam!" Was all you could hear as we stepped out of the bus. "Katie! Can we take a picture?!" Some girl screamed. I walked over to her, "Of course." I said and we took one. "I love you so much." "I love you so much more." I said and hugged her. I stopped for a couple more people then walked inside the venue with the boys. "Jack! Let's go soundcheck!" Johnson said and Jack ran over. I walked to the front where the fans would be standing while we performed. Jack ran on stage, "OH MY GOD! ITS JACK GILINSKY!! I LOVE YOU!" I yelled and he turned to face me, he smiled and winked. "TAKE OFF YOUR SHIRT!!" I screamed and he shook his head laughing. Jack and Johnson did all their songs, then it was Kenny, then Sam and Nate, and finally me. I was really nervous, I've never sang in front of the boys before. Since I haven't released any of my own songs yet, I would be singing covers. I'm singing three, Night Changes by One Direction, Blank Space by Taylor Swift, and Habits (Stay High) Tove Lo.

It's time for the meet and greet, and we are all more than excited. We all walked out and everyone started screaming. I had a big smile on my face, "You're really happy." Jack said putting his arm around my shoulder. "I really wanna meet my fans." I said. "Jatie, Jatie, Jatie!" They chanted and Jack and I started laughing. We both walked to where we were suppose to be and then they let the fans comes in. They were all really sweet, some of them asked about Jack, some would talk to me about my videos. I loved them all.

When meet and greet finished we walked back to backstage and sat down. Jack and Jack went out first. "You guys did great." I said smiling as Jack and Jack came back shirtless and all sweaty. I'd be lying if I said Jack didn't look hot at that moment. "Katie?" Jack said. "Uh what?" "You ok? You weren't answering me." He said laughing. "Hello Jack she was staring at you." Sam said smirking and walking out. "Of course." He said turning to face me and winking. "I wasn't." "You sure were." "Nooo. I'm gonna go watch Kenny perform. See you later." I said and started to walk out. "Why won't you stay back here?" He asked pulling my arm. "It's boring back here." "Let's make it fun then" He said winking and pulling me closer to him. "Nope." I said and ran out. I went to the side where I can see Kenny perform. Some people saw me and started screaming my name, I smiled and waved then put a finger to my lips telling them to listen to Kenny. I perform next and I have a million different feelings running through my body. "Ok next we have Katie Wess." Jake said announcing me. I smiled and walked onto the stage. I started off with Night Changes. When I was done with that I sang Blank Space and Habits (Stay High). "Thank you guys so much! I love you guys!" I said waving and walking off the stage. "You did great!" Sam said running up to me and pulling me into a hug. "Thank you." I said and smiled. "Good job" Nate said and we high fived. "We should sing a song together!" Kenny said. "We should!" "I'm gonna see if we have time left for this show" He said walking off and going to the tour manager. "Wait Kenny but we wouldn't be able to practice!" I said but he didn't hear me. "You did so good." Jack said hugging me from behind. "Thank you." I said turning around. "Why do you look so worried?" He asked laughing lightly. "Because Kenny said he wanted us to sing together so he's asking if we have enough time for this show. But we haven't practiced and I'm afraid if they say yes then I'm gonna mess up." I said sighing. "I'm sure you'll do great. Look Kennys coming over now." "Ok they said yes right after Sam and Nate perform." "Ok what are we going to sing?" I asked getting nervous. "Um we can sing Jealous by Nick Jonas. You know that right" "How could I not? They play it so many times." I said and we both laugh. We started discussing who would be singing what and we got it all figured out. I'm a little less nervous but still very nervous.

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