Chapter 23

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I woke up and checked the time, it was 9. I yawned and then got out of bed. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, then I went downstairs. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked once I saw Jack, Sam, Johnson, and Nate sitting with AJ. "We came to hang out with your brother." Nate answered. "So early? You guys are usually asleep at this time." I said and they shrugged. "I wanna go to the hollywood sign." I said and sat down next to them. "Let's go today." Sam said. "But I'm tired." I whined. "Too bad let's go." Jack said and I got up. "I'll be ready in half an hour." I said and went to take a shower.

I got out and put on (picture) I put my hair in a pony tail, and applied some makeup. I grabbed my shoes and then walked downstairs. "I'm ready." I said and then we all walked down to Jack's car. Jack drove, I sat in the front, and the rest of the boys were in the back. "We need a bigger car." Johnson said and we all agreed.

We got to the top after hiking for what seemed like forever. "This is so pretty" I said looking over at the view. Jack came up to me and wrapped his arm around me, he kissed my cheek and I smiled. I took a picture of the view and added it to my snap story. "Sam. Can you take a picture of us?" I asked him and he nodded. He took two pictures, one of us smiling and one of us kissing. "Thank you." "We need a group picture." Sam said. "I'll ask that lady to take it." I walked over to her, "Excuse me." "Yes?" "Can you take a picture of me and my friends please?" "Of course." She said and we walked back to the boys. We stood together and we took two, a silly one and a cute one. "Thank you so much." "Your welcome honey." She said and walked away. "Ok let's go I'm hungry." Johnson said and we started walking down. "Can I get on your back?" I asked Jack. "Why?" "My feet hurt." "Fine." He said and bent down. I jumped on his back and he continued walking. "Gilinsky is so whipped." Sam said with his phone out, I assume he is taking a snapchat video of us. "I'm not." He said and I started laughing. "Yeah you are." Nate added. "Whatever. When you guys get a girl, if you ever, then you will understand." "That was mean." AJ said and we all started laughing. I kissed his cheek and everyone continued down.

"I'm so tired" I say my back falling into the passenger seat of the car. "Shut up you didn't even walk" Jack says and falls on top of me stomach flat. "I know. Thank you babe" I say and pucker my lips. He kissed me and I smiled. "I love you" I say laughing into the kiss. "I love you too" he says and pecks my lips again. I laughed and pushed him off. The rest of the boys got to the car and they packed in. "Where are we eating?" "Taco Bell" Nate replies and we agreed. I turned on the radio and the intro to Wild Life was playing. "Babe your on the radio" I say and slightly hit his arm. "Good job babe" I say and put my hand on his. "Thank you" he says bringing my hand up to his lips and he kissed them. "Ayyeee" Johnson says most likely making a snapchat. He brought his phone up to where it says the same of the song and then showed everyone. I stuck out my tongue and threw a peace sign. Jack started singing and making faces at me. May I add he looked hot af. Johnson started his rap and I laughed and made a snapchat. "Ayee" Sam says and elbows him a bit. We laughed and got to Taco Bell. We ordered through the drive-thru and went to the Jack's place. Jack went up to his room to grab something and we all sat down. "Yo I'm so excited for Fan rave!" Nate says and Johnson and Sam agree. "What's Fan rave?" I ask. "What're you talking about?" Jack asks curiously coming downstairs. "Babe what's fan rave?" "Oh it's um a tour" "How longs the tour?" I ask the other boys since I wasn't getting any answers from Jack. {i know jack and jack didnt go and i know its not four months but i needed a tour name}!"Uh, 4 months" he says and I almost choke. "4 months?" I ask and they stay quiet and eat their tacos. "When does it start?" "4 days" "4 days?" "Damn girl do you need to get your ears checked?" Sam asks and I turn to face Jack. "Why didn't you tell me?" "I was gonna tell you. I- I didn't want you to get mad" "I'm past mad at this point!" I say. "Babe" Jack says and I get up and walk out to the balcony. I calmed down and looked at the view. It was beautiful. "Babe" he says and I ignore him. "Baby" he says again and I hear him come closer to me. He wrapped his arms around me from behind and started kissing me. "Stopp" "I know you love my kisses" "I know but I'm mad at you!!!" I pout. "Why" he asks spinning me around to face him. "Because your leaving in your in 4 days and you didn't even bother telling me" "I was gonna tell you" he argued back. "When? The day before the tour?" I ask and he stays quiet. "Not even?" I ask rolling my eyes and break loose of his grip. "Katie!" he says and I shake my head. "Do you not want me to go?" "Of course I want you to go. Jack this is huge" "Than why are you mad?" "I'm more like annoyed" I say and he laughs. "Whyyyyyyyyy" "Because you didn't tell me!" I say looking out at the city. "I'm sorry" he says wrapping his arms around my waist from behind again. "Baby I'm sorry. Please. Can you stop being 'annoyed' by me?" he asks kissing my neck and I roll my eyes. "Your so annoying" I say turning and wrapping my arms around his neck. "I love you" "I love you too" I say hugging him and then he kisses me. We walked back inside and all eyes were on us, "Dude your so whipped" Sam laughs. "I know" he says and kisses my cheek.

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