Chapter 17

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Today Jack and I are going to spend the day together. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I took a shower and washed my hair. I got out and change into (picture). I put my hair in a messy bun and put on a little bit of make up. I put on my shoes and walked downstairs where I saw Jack and AJ sitting down and watching tv. "Hey why didn't you tell me you were here?" I asked Jack. "I was talking to your brother." "Ok well let's go. AJ I'll see you later." I said and Jack came up to me and grabbed my hand. We walked downstairs and went to his car. "Where do you want to go first?" He asked and started the car. "To eat. Let's go to In and Out." I said and he nodded and started driving. While he was driving he grabbed my hand and started playing with it. I took out my phone and started snap chatting. "Look who I'm with." I said and showed Jack. He stuck his tongue out and started doing a little dance. "He's a loser." I said before the snap chat ended. I opened like three snaps from my fans. One said to follow them on twitter, another one was calling me pretty. I followed her on twitter and replied to the other girl saying she was prettier and thank you. Then the last one was a video, "Can you please teach Jack how to snapchat more? He could learn a lot from you." She said and we both laughed. "I'm trying. Tell her Jack." I said and he said, "I forget sometimes!" He said and I rolled my eyes playfully. I sent it back to her and then we got In and Out. We ordered, got our food, and sat down.

"Fatty." Jack said snapchatting me eating. "Now is when you want to start snap chatting?" I asked and he laughed. We finished eating and then walked out. A few fans came up to us so we stopped for a few pictures. "Can I be on your snap story?" A girl asked coming up to me. "Of course." I said and took a selfie with her and added it to my story.

We finished talking with the fans and then we got back in Jack's car and went to the Santa Monica Pier.

"Let's ride the ferris wheel!!" I said dragging Jack with me. It got to our turn so we got on. I took out my phone, "Smileeeee." I said and we took a few pictures. We stopped at the top while people were getting off the ride at the bottom. "This is so pretty." I said as he puts his arm around me and I put my head on his shoulder. I looked up at him and he looked down at me. He leaned in and kissed me, I smiled into the kiss and pulled away.

We left the pier and went to the hotel the boys are staying at. I had told Jack that he could stay with me but he refused, he said they had to record and shoot for their music video really early in the morning and he doesn't want to wake me up. We were all there sitting, talking, and playing music. "I can't wait for you guys to move out here!" I said. "I know. I love LA" Sam said. "We should go to the beach tomorrow." Nate suggested. "We have a meeting tomorrow morning but we can meet you guys there after." Johnson said. "Ok so Katie will you come with me and Nate tomorrow morning?" Sam asked. "Yeah pick me up at 10." "Alright." Sam said and we zoned off into another conversation.

"I'm going home" I said getting up and Jack grabbed my hand. "Bye" I say as I hugged and kissed the boys cheek. Jack walked me out to the hallway. "I'll see you tomorrow" he says playing with my hands and looking at me. "I'll see you tomorrow" I say and smile before bringing my lips to his. "Oooo I think Gilinsky's gettin it" I hear Nate from the other side of the door. "Shut the fuck up they can here us!" Johnson says and I pull away. I looked at the door laughing. I looked back at Jack and he kissed me again. "I love you" "I love you too baby" he says and hugs me. "I'll see you tomorrow" he says and kisses my cheek. I walked towards the elevator. "Oh my gosh! KATIE! I'm in the same elevator as Katie! Oh my gosh!" a girl screeches and I laugh. "Omg can I hug you?" "Of course" I say and pull her into a hug. "I love you so much!" she says into my shoulder. "I love you too babe" "Can I get a picture?" she asks as the elevator door opens. "Of course" we took a bunch of selfies then I followed her on Twitter and added her to my snapchat story. "Thank you I love you" "I love you too" I say and walk out to my car.

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