Chapter 13

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I woke up earlier than everyone else so I attempted to get out of my bunk without waking Jack up. That didn't work out so well, "Where are you going?" He asked in his raspy morning voice. "Bathroom." I lied knowing if I said I'm gonna go eat and edit he would get out of bed too and not go back to sleep, which he should be sleeping. I know he's tired. He nodded and closed his eyes again. I grabbed my Mac and camera and started downloading all the footage from yesterday to my laptop. When that finished, I started editing it.

Halfway through editing, Sam and Kenny came out. "Morning Katie." Sam said and sat next to me. "Morning boys." I said and smiled. "What are you doing?" Kenny asked. "Editing my vlog from yesterday so I can upload today." I said and he nodded.

I finished editing and then I posted it on youtube. I tweeted it with the link.

'@katiewess Hey guys just posted a vlog from DigiFest Minnesota!! Go check it out, you might see yourself there! #KatiesDigiFestVlog'

'@katiewess RT my last tweet & tweet the link with the hashtag #KatiesDigiFestVlog for a follow!!'

I started following people and then the rest of the boys woke up and came out. "You never came back to bed." Jack said sitting next to me and putting his arm around me. "Sorry babe. I wasn't tired. Plus I had to edit and post." I said and he nodded. I looked at the time and saw it was 12:30, we should be getting to Denver in an hour. I got up and went to start getting ready. I wore (picture) and then did my hair and makeup.

We got to the Denver venue and went inside. The boys started soundcheck while I posted on snapstory or followed people. "Katie! Soundcheck!" One of the managers called. "Going!" I shouted back. I went on stage did my three songs and then walked off. We went to Meet&Greet and then the show started.


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