Chapter 5

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The first show ended and we were grabbing our stuff to go back on the tour bus. I didn't bring too much in so I only had a small bag. We all walked back onto the tour bus and sat down together. "That was a good show." Johnson said. "Yeah it was hype." Sam added. "They were pretty dope." Jack says and we all laugh. "Someone threw a water bottle at me and it almost hit me in the face" "Aww who would want this pretty face to get ruined" Jack asks in a granny voice squeezing my cheeks together and winking. I rolled my eyes and pushed his face away. "This is some legit Jatie shit right here" Kenny says and they all try and take pictures and Jack scoots closer to me and smiles widely. I covered my face and put my feet up for some reason. "Stooppp!" I groaned and Jack took my hands off my face and kissed my cheek. The butterflies in my stomach were going crazy at this point and for the first time I realized, I might actually be falling for this loser. "Jatie! Jatie! Jatie!" they chanted and I covered my face in Jack's shirt. "Wow wow wow let's try and keep this PG" one of the boys say. "Alright I'm done, goodnight losers" I say throwing up a piece sign and walking to the bathroom. I changed into a sports bra and a T-shirt and shorts. I took off my make-up and walked to my bunk and made myself comfortable before drifting off to sleep.

I woke up to what sounded like a rave happening outside my bunk. The curtain opened and a bunch of shit came crumbling down on me and I knew all the cameras were on me. "You guys suck" I groan and pull the covers over my face. "Leave me the fuck alone" "Come on Katie!!! We were gonna go out" "Where? We're driving all day" "Come on we're going out" "Whatever I don't wanna go, I wanna sleep" I whine. "No let's go" "Ugh you guys are so annoying" I say opening my eyes and getting out from under the covers. I quickly grabbed some clothes and my make-up bag and walked to the bathroom. I showered and changed then started doing my make-up. "Katie hurry up" I hear followed by banging. "You woke me up and now I need to get ready what do you want?" I ask through the door. "I need to use the bathroom" "Find a bush" "Katie!!" I opened the door and saw Nate. "Go" "Thank you" he says and kisses my cheek running into the bathroom. I smiled and waited for him to come back out. "Thank you" he says and I laugh. I finished my make-up which wasn't much and did my hair. I walked out and went to the little kitchen and poured myself some cereal. I finished and walked out to the couch where the boys were. I sat down next to Jack and put my head on his shoulder. "Are you tired" he asks and I hit his arm.

We spent the whole day getting to know each other. It was actually a lot of fun. The boys are really funny especially Jake and he does really good impressions. Kenny started singing and we kind of jammed out. "There's no food in this bus" Sam says going through the pantry. "Ok well we're in the middle of the express way" Cody says looking through the curtain. "Ask the bus driver if we can get down at the next exit" Johnson suggests. "I'm not good at talking to people" Sam says and sits on the couch. We all looked at Jake and he got up. "He says we'll get off at the next exit and stop at Burger King" I had repositioned myself and now my feet are thrown over Jack's lap and my back is on the side of the couch. "We're here" he says and we all get up and walk out of the bus. Well most of us, half of them were running like a pack of wolves. "Can I get a baby day quan?" Johnson asks. "I'm sorry?" the lady says in a strong accent. "A baby day quan" "I'm sorry one moment" she says and calls someone else. "I'm sorry what would you like?" "A baby day quan" "I'm sorry we don't have that" the other lady says with an attitude. "Whatever" Johnson says and walks in. Deborah paid as we walked back and found a table dying of laughter. "That lady gave you attitude" Kenny says and Johnson just keeps laughing. They called our food and a couple of the boys got up to get it. We finished eating and headed back to the bus.
Today we're in Detroit and we have another show. We got to the venue and grabbed the couple things we needed for the show. We walked out of the bus and there were a couple fans waiting for us. They stood in a line with their phones out. "Katie I love you!" "I love you too" I say and smile. "Katie can I get a picture please?" "Of course" I say walking up to the girl that asked and taking a picture with her. "Sammy I missed you" another fan called out and I laughed. I took the picture and walked back over into the venue. We started a sound check and I walked down to where the fans would be standing. During the last song he took off his shirt and threw it at me followed by a wink. I smiled and blew a sarcastic kiss. After my soundcheck I walked backstage and felt a pair of arms wrap around me. "Good job babe" he says and kisses my cheek. I knew it was Jack, "Who said I'm your babe?" "Most of our fans" he says with a smirk and I roll my eyes and playfully push him off me.

It was time for the Jack's performance. The meet and greet went well and a fan made me a cute little booklet on reasons why they love me. The intro to 'Like That' started and the Jack's and Nate had their shirts off. The crowd was going crazy and I felt a hand grab mine. I looked up and it was Jack. "I ain't never met a girl like you, and you'll never find a man, like me." he starts pointing at me. "Walking out the door with you on my arm" he says with his arm around my shoulder. I was smiling like crazy and we cheeks were a bright shade of red. He continued singing doing body rolls and looking at me while running his hands up and down his sweaty body. He winked at me before doing another body roll and the crowd was going crazy. We had a truth or dare session at the end since there was a lot of time left. One of the dares was for Jack to kiss me but he just kissed my cheek. And I think it's official now. I have feelings for Jack.

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