Chapter 32

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Today is the day I'm flying out to Florida. I've talked to Jack maybe once or twice and he doesn't know I'm going. I'm actually really nervous, more nervous than excited actually.

I woke up and changed into shorts and a tshirt. I put my hair in a pony tail and then put on makeup. I put on my shoes and then grabbed my suitcase. I took it downstairs and then ate something really quick.

"AJ I'M LEAVING!" I yelled. "Ok bye love you!" "Love you too!" I said and walked out the door. I had called an Uber so it was there waiting for me. I put my suitcase in the trunk and then got in.


I landed in Miami and called Nate. "Hello?" He answered. "Hey I landed." "We are at the airport already. Where are you?" "Uh by the gift shop." "Ok I see you." "Ok bye." I said and hung up. "Katie!!" I heard Sam scream. "Hey!" I said and walked over to them. I gave them both hugs and then we heard screaming. "Katie! Sam! Nate!" A few girls yelled coming up to us. "Hey!" I said. All three of us took pictures with them and talked for a little bit until it was time to go.

We got to their hotel and we started walking towards the elevator. "Jack's over there!" I say with a smile. "Go with him. We'll take your suitcase." Sam said. "Thanks." I said and started walking towards him. "Jack?" I said and my heart stopped. He was holding hands with Madison after having kissed her. "Katie its no-" "It's not what it looks like Jack?! Then what is it?!" I yelled. Madison giggled and looked down with a smile on her face. "Madison don't you have to get back up to your room to make some more videos of you doing stuff to yourself just to gain some followers?" I asked wiping that smile off her face in seconds. "Katie." "Jack I came here to surprise you, and this is what I get. I love you, obviously you don't feel the same way." I said and a tear slipped down my face. I turned around and started walking away, he came and grabbed my wrist. I pulled it out of his hand, "Don't touch me." I said and ran to the elevator with tears streaming down my face.

I got up to the room, "Did you guys know?!" I asked angrily as I walked into the room the boys were staying in. "Know what?" Johnson asked. "That Jack and Madison were together behind my back." "As friends." Sam said. "I didn't know friends held hands and kissed eachother." I said and started crying again. "Shit Katie we are so sorry. We didn't know. If we did we would have told you. I'm so sorry, come here" Nate said and I sat on his lap. He wrapped his arm around me and I cried into his shoulder. "Baby-girl I'm so sorry" he says rubbing my back. "I wanna go home" "No, Kati-" "Sam my fucking boyfriends cheating on me and it's literally my fault. How did I not see this coming? He literally hasn't fucking texted me in like a week. This is all my fault" I say. Sam stormed out of the room slamming the door behind him. I wrapped my arms around Nate's neck and cried into his shoulder once more.

It's been an hour since the incident and Sam hasn't come back. I was laying in the hotel bed cuddled up in the blankets and Nate and Johnson were trying to talk to me. "Do you wanna talk about it?" Johnson asks and I stay quiet. "What happened?" Johnson asks laying in the bed in front of me. "You guys left and I walked over to him and saw him with Madison..." I continued with the story. "You said that to her?" "Yeah that bitch was all over my boyfriend" I say and the door opens. Jack. "Hey..." he says and the boys lift their hand in a hi ish gesture. "Katie can we talk?" "Wouldn't you rather eat your little fuckbuddy?" "Katie" "Jack" I answer back in the same stupid tone. "What's wrong with you?" "Your pathetic, now please get the fuck out of my face" "I'm sorry" "For what there are so many things you should be sorry for" I say with a sarcastic laugh. "Can we talk?" "What do you think we're doing?" "Alone?" The boys both looked at me, I didn't answer. Nate got up, close to Jack, "Don't hurt her again" he says and pushes him before walking out. Johnson shook his head and followed. "You look hot" "Shut the fuck up" I say and he raises his eyebrows. "Wow, um okay" he says rubbing his hands on his legs. "I'm sorry" "Jack stop" "Katie I'm sorry" "Jack stop! Your not sorry. You don't give a fuck about me. All you care about is Madison and people liking you and sex. Jack you don't give a fuck about me. Maybe you did at some point, hopefully you did but Jack honestly your trying to tell me your sorry? Sorry would've been once I don't know. Don't think I haven't seen the videos, the tweets, "I love chocolate milkshakes" Jack I'm not stupid. How much longer would this have gone on? Jack I came and caught you if not who knows you would probably be in a room hooking up with her right now. But you know what, that's not my problem anymore. I'm not mad, who am I kidding of course I'm mad, I would've hoped that you would've told me something. Jack if you didn't wanna be with me you could've told me instead of playing me like I was a toy. You led me on, telling me you loved me when it was all just a fucking lie. We're done but we learn from our mistakes and I don't know maybe one day we can be friends. But don't tell me your sorry because I know your not, your only sorry because you got caught" I say leaving him speechless. "Katie..." he starts. "I'm so sorry, honestly I am. Your right, I probably would be hooking up with her right now. But Katie I love you and Madison was a mistake. Baby it's so hard not having you around, being on tour with Madison reminded me of when we met" he says looking down, smiling and shaking his head. "Katie she doesn't kiss me like you do, her lips don't feel the same, she doesn't hug me like you do or play around with me like you do baby. No matter how much I tried to imagine it was you..." he zoned off. "Baby I'm sorry" he says walking to my bed and sitting next to me. "Babe I'm sorry" he says and leans in, I knew I shouldn't but I couldn't fight back. It took all of me to pull away, I looked down. "Why'd you do it?" I ask holding back tears. "Baby I already told you I'm sorry, it was a mistake. The biggest mistake of my life. I love you" he says and kisses me again. I put my hand on his face then around his neck. He continued kissing me, "I love you" he said as he kissed down my neck. "so much" I smiled. "I can't do this." I said and pulled back.

No hate on Madison Beer, it's just a role.

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