Chapter 25

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"Baby do you have to leave" I ask playing with our hands as I'm pulled up close to Jack. "Yes baby, I'll be back soon" "Four months" I pout and look up. "I'll be back soon, I promise" he says looking down at me with promising eyes. "Ok" "Flight 349 to Utah, now boarding" I hear and look at Jack. "I love you" he says looking down at me. "I love you too" I say looking down as a tear slides down my face. He wrapped his arms around me and I looked up and puckered my lips. He leaned down and kissed me. It was a long kiss and it meant so much. "I'm sorry bro, but we gotta go" Johnson says. I pulled away and looked down. "Baby don't be sad" He placed his finger under my chin lifting my head to look at him. He leaned in again and kissed me. "Call me when you land" I say and he nods. "I love you" "I love you too" I say and he kisses my head. He walked off towards the entrance and I smiled as he waved. I stood by the window and watched them board the plane. The plane soon began to take off. Jack had a window seat and I found him as he waved to me. I blew a kiss and watched the plane go until it was out of sight. I stood there for a second before I decided to go back. "Katie can I get a picture?" Two girls ask and I crack a smile and nod. "We got the best pictures of you and Jack" one of the girls says and shows them to me. "Aw can you DM those to me?" I ask. "Oh my gosh. Yes of course" she says. I followed her on Twitter and then walked out to my car. I looked through my DMs and found the pictures she had sent me.

'Thanks babe. love you💘'

I replied and saved a couple pictures. There was one really cute one of Jack and I kissing. I put it as my wallpaper and his contact name. I drove back home and went up to AJ's room. "Heyyy" I say and collapse on his bed. "Hey how was the airport" "It sucked. I miss Jack already" I pout and he laughs. I went through Twitter and did a random tweet spree. I got a snapchat notification from Jack. It was a video, I opened it and Jack was sleeping. The camera turned and it was Sam, he was laughing and I smiled. I took a picture making a kissy face. I snapchatted Sam for a while longer before Jack woke up. I snapchated him for a while before he had to go.

My phone rang and it was Jack. "Hi baby" he says and I smile. "Hi" "We just landed. What're you doing?" "I'm about to go to the mall" "Okay baby I'll call you later. Love you" "Love you too" I smile and hang up. "AJ" I call and he runs downstairs. "Let's go" he says and we walk out to my car.

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