Chapter 26

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AJ and I left the mall and went back to our apartment. I opened the door, and the apartment was a mess. "What the fuck?" I yelled. Andrea, Arden, Jenn, and Lauren come out from the corner with silly string and start spraying it at me. They also had their cameras with them. "What the fuck are you guys doing?!" I yelled and started laughing. "Haha we got you" Lauren yelled. "You guys are gonna pick this up." I said and started going upstairs. I got to the top and took a picture of the bottom. I tweeted it with the caption 'Who let Andrea, Arden, Lauren, and Jenn in the house when I wasn't home?' I put my phone down and then the girls walked in. "We'll pick up later." Jenn said and laid on my bed. The rest of the girls did the same. "How bored were you guys that you decided to do this?" "Very bored." Arden answered.

The girls left about an hour ago, and now I'm laying in bed watching tv. My phone started ringing and I picked it up. It's a facetime call from Jack. "Hey gorgeous." He said once his face popped up on my screen. "Hey babe. What are you doing?" "Nothing. We just got back from a meeting and later we are gonna go hang out with a few people." "That's cool." I said and we continued our conversation. "Ok princess. I'm gonna go now. Love you so so so much." "Ok babe. Love you too." I said and hung up the phone. I hung up the phone and started thinking a little when I realized something, Jack won't be here so my birthday. I guess it's not really that big of a deal, but it is to me. We've been dating for while and we were suppose to be together on my birthday. This sucks. I'm gonna have to learn to deal with it though because there are gonna be a lot of times like this. I sighed and decided to go to sleep.

I woke up and went to the bathroom. I took a shower, and then changed into (picture). I went back to my room and ironed my hair then did my makeup. I walked downstairs, "AJ I'm leaving." I said and he shouted back 'ok'. I walked out the door to my car and then started driving to the store.

I stopped at a red light, and waited for it to turn green. I looked through my rear view mirror as the car behind me sped towards mine. "Shit." I mumbled and got out of the car. I was fine, but my car wasn't. "I'm so sorry." The guy said getting out of the car, "I wasn't paying attention." "Yeah uh it's fine but uh my car." "Yeah I'll give you all my information and I'll pay for it." He said and I nodded. He gave me everything, "I'm Brian by the way." "Katie." I said and smiled lightly. I got in my car and decided to just go home.

"AJ! You won't fucking believe it." I said and slammed the door shut. "What happened Katie?" "This guy hit my car!" I yelled. "Are you ok?" "Yeah I'm fine but my car isn't." "Let me see" He said and I showed him a picture that I took. "Wow." He said and I sighed. My phone started ringing, "Hello?" "Hey babe. What's up?" "I just got home. Some guy hit my car." "What? Are you ok?" "I'm fine but you know my car's badddd." I pout. "Oh my god. I'm just glad you're ok." "Yeah I'm fine. What are you doing?" I asked. "Nothing about to go to a meeting." "Oh fun." "Yeah I know." "Okay babe I'll see you- I'll talk to you later." I said correcting myself knowing that I won't see him for months. "Soon baby, I promise" "Yeah yeah. I miss you" "I miss you too" he says and the phone goes quiet. "Okay princess I have to go. I love you" "I love you too" I respond and blow a kiss. "Bye baby, I'll call you later" "Ok babe be careful" "Okay" he says and hangs up.

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