Chapter 8

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"Katie wake up." Someone said lightly shaking me. "No." "Come on babe." That's when I knew it was Jack. I opened my eyes and looked at him, "Why do I need to wake up?" "Well its 2 and we got to the venue already" "Shit." I said and got out of my bunk. "Where is everyone?" "They went in already" "Why didn't anyone wake me up?!" I asked trying to look for clothes. "I just did." I said and I stopped and gave him a dirty look, "Yeah when everyone was gone already. You don't need to wait for me" "It's fine." He said and sat down. I heard shouting outside so I knew there were fans outside. "There's fans outside if we go out on the same time then they might think we were doing something." I said after finally finding my clothes. "Fine. I'll see you inside then." He said walking towards me. "Yeah." I said and he pecked my lips and before I could say anything he runs out of the bus. I shook my head laughing and got ready. I wore (picture) and then did my makeup and hair. When I was done, I grabbed a few things then got out of the bus. "Katie!" Some people yelled. I smiled and waved. "Is there anyone else on the bus?!" Some girl screamed. "No everyones inside already. Nobody woke me up!" I said and they started laughing. "I'll see you guys at the show. Love you!" I said and blew a kiss then went inside. "Thanks for waking me up." I said as I approached Sam and Nate. "Your welcome babe." Nate said putting his arm around me. "When's soundcheck?" I asked. "Uh I think in 30 minutes." Sam said. "Let's go on the balcony so we can wave to the fans." I said and started walking up the stairs followed by Nate and Sammy. "Where are you guys going?" Kenny asked. "To wave at fans." "I'll go too." He said and we all went up. They saw me first and they started screaming. Then Nate came out, then Kenny, and last Sam. We waved and talked to a couple of them and then it was time for soundcheck.
Yesterday's meet and greet went really well. We're already in Indianapolis so Jack said he was taking me out. He didn't wanna tell me where but he told me to dress casual. I changed into (picture) and did my make up. I finished and walked out of the bathroom. "Ready?" Jack asked and I nodded. He grabbed my hand and led me out of the bus. I slid my glasses on. There were a couple fans out there wasn't a show today so we met and took pictures with a couple of them. After we did, we said bye and Jack grabbed my hand again and intertwined our fingers. I smiled and we walked down the street to a carnival.

We've seen a lot of fans today but none of them have approached us. Jack pulled me over to the Ferris wheel and we waited in the quick line. We got to the top of the Ferris wheel and Jack looked at me before leaning in. Our lips were inches apart and my phone started ringing. I flinched and pulled away laughing. "I'm so sorry" "It's fine" he says and I answer my phone. It was my brother, "Hello" "Hey what are you doing" "I'm kind of on a date" I awkwardly say "Oh shit with Jack?" "Uhh yea..." "Oh ok I was just calling to make sure everything's okay" "Ok I'll call you later bye loser" "Bye" he says and hangs up. "Sorry about that" I say awkwardly and stuff my phone back in my pocket. "It's cool, where were we" he smirks and the ride ends. I looked at the lady waiting by the exit and Jack rolls his eyes and lead the way off the ride. We walked over to some other rides. I stood in line in front of Jack and he stood behind me with both our hands intertwined. He played with our hands and swung them around. "May I ask what your doing?" I ask pulling our hands apart, turning around and reconnecting them. "Playing with your hands, they're so small and cute" he says and pulls me closer kissing my cheek. We looked at eachother for a second before he smashed his lips into mine. Our lips moved in sinc and it felt just like the first time we kissed. I smiled and he pulled away. He pulled me closer to his chest and I looked up at him biting my lip. He kissed my forehead and started walking to the line which had moved. We rode on Fireball and then walked around the carnival eating cotton candy. We walked past a booth and Jack wanted to do it. It was the game with the tin cans and you had to knock them down. "I'm gonna win you that teddy bear" he says pointing to a huge teddy bear. I smiled and watched as he failed. He knocked down two cans and I laughed as he paid the lady running the booth again. "Do you like the view?" he asks zoning me out of my thoughts. "It needs some work" I say and he rolls his eyes. He tried again and missed one can. "Fuck!" "Okay let's go" "Noo" "Jackkk" "I want to win it for you" he says and continues paying the lady. Jack finally won me the teddy bear and it was so cute and big and fluffffy. I made Jack take a picture of me and I posted it on Twitter 'My dateeee💘'. Jack retweeted it, 'What a lucky bear' "Your so lame" I say and he wraps his arm around my shoulder. "But your so cute!" I say and squish his cheeks together.

We ate something at the carnival before heading back to the bus. "Thanks for our date" I say and smile. "Your welcome" he says and I press my lips against his. We walked in and all eyes were on us. "Aye Gilinsky you won her a teddy bear?" "Yeah after 10 tries?" I ask facing him. "It was 9" he says and I laugh. "So... did anything happen?" Jake asks with an obvious wink. "Noo" "Don't lie to us, we saw pictures" Cody says and smirks. "What pictures?" I ask and Johnson shows me his phone. He showed me a picture of Jack and I kissing. I went on Twitter and there was a million pictures of Jack and I all over my feed. Jack sat next to me and looked through them with me. There were a lot of us just talking but some of us kissing and holding hands and flirting. I read some of the tweets related to them 'Why the fuck does Jack like her ugly ass?' I frowned, "Is my ass really that ugly?" I ask getting up and looking back at my butt. "I think you have a cute butt" "I think your ass is pretty fantastic" Sam says from across the room and I roll my eyes.

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