Chapter 2

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I woke up at 11 o'clock. By the time we had finished filming all the videos it was 3 am. Then we decided to stay up so I didn't get home until 5 am. I'm super tired but Jack texted me saying to meet him at some burger place that was at the Grove at 12:30.

I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. I took a shower and washed my hair. I got out, blow dried it and ironed it. When I was done, I went to my closet. After 10 minutes, I finally figured out what to wear. (picture) I changed and then quickly did my makeup. I walked downstairs and saw AJ playing on the Xbox. "I'm going out for lunch" I said grabbing my keys. "Bring me something." "You can order something." "You're annoying." He said and rolled his eyes. "I'll see you later. Love ya." I said and walked out.

I got to the restaurant and looked around. I saw Jack sitting down on his phone, waiting for me. "How many?" The hostess asked. "Oh I'm meeting someone here. I see him over there. Thank you" I said and smiled. I walked over to Jack and as soon as I got to the table he put his phone away. "Hey Katie." He said getting up and hugging me. "Hi Jack. Nice to meet you" I said sitting down on the seat across from him. "You look great." He said and I smiled and felt my cheeks heat up. "Thanks. So do you." I said and the waiter came. "Hi I'm Dave and I'll be your waiter today." He said, "Can I start you off with some drinks?" He asked. "Uh I'll get a coke." Jack said. "And I'll have a sprite." "Ok I'll be right back with those." "Thank you." Jack and I replied. "So tell me about yourself." Jack said smiling. "What do you want to know?" "Anything." "Well... I'm not too interesting." "I'm sure you are." He said and I laughed lightly. "Well my favorite color is blue. But if it's a dark blue then I don't like it." I said and he laughed, "I'm bad at talking about myself. Tell me about yourself first" I said. "Alright. My favorite color is red. Any red is fine I'm not too picky about it." He said winking at me. I rolled my eyes playfully and he continued, "I sing with my best friend Jack who raps. We met back in kindergarten when we wore the same shirt on picture day. That's when we knew we had to be friends, I mean how could we not be. Same shirt, same name. Anyways, we are going to the studio a lot and we are going on tour soon with Digitour. So that'll be fun." He said. The waiter came back and took our orders. "Well I guess I can talk about youtube. I started about two years ago when I was 16. It was really my escape from lots of things. I started gaining more and more subscribers and followers on social media. About a year ago I hit 500,000 subscribers, that's when I started getting a ton of calls for business over here. I came out here a few times a month, and when I hit 1,000,000 more calls came in. When I turned 18, 9 months ago I decided to move out here with my brother AJ who is also a youtuber." I said. "That's cool. So you like California?" "Love it. I came from New York so the weather change is great" I said. "Yeah Jack and I are moving out here after we finish tour. So hopefully I'll be seeing you more often." He said smiling and winking at me. "Definitely." I said and the food came. In the middle of us eating and talking, a group of girls came up to us. "Hi. Sorry for interrupting your lunch, but we love you guys and we were wondering if we could take a picture with you guys?" The older one said. "Of course. What's your name?" I asked standing up and walking to them. "I'm Melissa." She said and I hugged her. "And you guys?" I asked the group of 3 other girls. "Alex, Natalie, and Jackie." They replied. I gave them a hug and then we took pictures. "You guys are my OTP." Melissa said. I laughed and blushed, "Aww" I said and Jack winked at me. God he's so hot and his winks are killing me! "Thanks again" They said walking off. "No problem." Jack said and we sat down and continued eating.

We finished eating and Jack walked me to my car. "It was nice meeting you." He said and pulled me into a hug. "Likewise." "I'll be seeing you again soon right?" He asked. "Of course." "Great. I'll text you." "Ok perfect. Thanks again for lunch." I said since he paid for our food. "No problem gorgeous." He said and I smiled. "Bye Jack." "Bye Katie." He said and I got in my car and drove home.

From Arden🌹
1 image attached

I clicked on the picture and it was a something Jack had tweeted. It was of me eating eating and fry and laughing at a joke I had made that really wasn't funny. 'Lunch with this cutie❤️'

To Arden🌹
Wtf! I'm gonna beat his ass I look horrible!!

From Arden🌹
That's not the point dipshit! He likes you!!!

To Arden🌹

From Arden🌹
Your so hard headed

To Arden🌹
He doesn't like me idiot

From Arden🌹
Whatever I'm done with you✌️

I scrolled through Twitter and found a picture. It was of Jack looking at me while I took a picture with the group of girls. He had a smirk planted on his face. I looked through Twitter and though about Jack. That's all anyone was talking about. Of course there was hate but whatever, you kind of learn to handle it after a while. I looked through Jack's Twitter and found a bunch of tweets about a girl. Everyone says it's about me but it can be about anyone, right? I know he dated a girl named Leigh, I don't see what the big deal is. I know him and Jack Johnson used to be part of Magcon but then they broke up and all the guys are going separate ways. I'm friends with Cameron, Nash, Hayes, Carter and Matthew. I have a couple videos with them and we hang out every once in a while. My phone rang and it was from a random number. I get a couple calls and texts every once in a while and I try to answer when I'm not too busy. "Hello" "Hi Katie?" "Yes" "Hi this is Debra I'm the manager of Digitour" "Oh hi how are you?" "Good and you thank you, we've seen a lot of your YouTube videos and honestly your amazing" "Aw thank you so much" "Your welcome we've seen some of your covers and your truly talented" Did I forget to mention I sing? I don't think I'm amazing so I do it everyone once in a while. "Thank you" "How would you like to tour with DigiTour for two months" "Oh my, what an honor. I'd love too" "Great thank you so much, would you happen to be available tomorrow at 12" "Yes actually" "Okay we are having a meeting at the DigiTour. Keep this number and I'll send you the address. If you have any questions let me know" "Thank you so much, I'll be there" "Ok Katie, I'll see you tomorrow" "Alright, bye" "Bye" she says and hangs up. I squealed with excitement. "Aidan!!!!!!!!!" I yell and run to his room. "What?" "I'm going to DigiTour!!!" "What?" "I'm going to be touring with DigiTour" "Congratulations" he says and I hug him. "Okay okay get off me" he says laughing and I kiss his cheek and run back to my room. I'm so excited to go to DigiTour. I don't know why because the whole idea of living in a bus for two months doesn't sound to great but I'm still super excited. I can't wait to meet all my fans, and I'm not sure who I'm touring with or where I'm going but I'm excited. I decided to surprise myself an wait till the meeting tomorrow to find out. I'm sure whoever's going would be there. "Aidan!" "What?" he asks walking into my room. "Do you wanna something I'm bored" "Yeah can we go to the mall I need clothes" "Yeah what do you need?" "I need like dressy shirts and pants" "Why?" "I'm going to this thing... Yeah" "Okay?" I say as we reach my car. I pulled up to the mall and we got out. "Oh my gosh it's Aidan and Katie!!!" A group of girls yell and run to us. "Aidan you are so hot!" a girl says and I laugh. He gave me a look and I tried to hold it in. "Katie what's happening between you and Jack?" "Omg you and Jack what's happening!" another girl yells and I laugh. "Nothing we're friends" "What about all his tweets? What about your lunch date today? He sooo likes you" "I don't know guys we met today" "Do you like Jack?" They question as I sign things and take pictures. "Have you guys been texting?" They kept asking questions until the crowd slowly got smaller. I finished taking pictures and so did Aidan. "One of them touched my butt" he says and I laugh. "They kept asking me about Jack and it was kind of awkward I mean we've met once" "Oh yeah how was your date?" "It wasn't a date" Right? "Yeah okay. How was your 'lunch'?" he asks putting quotations on lunch. "Good" I say and smile. We talked and shopped for a little but getting stopped by a couple fans every now and then. "Aidan can I get a picture with you?" "Of course" he says. "Can you kiss my cheek?" He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her cheek. "Thank you so much" she says and hugs him.

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