Chapter 6

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We got back to the bus and we were all sitting down. We have an off day tomorrow, so we won't have a show and we are staying at a hotel tonight in Cincinnati. "We're going out tomorrow." Jack said to me, while everyone else was in their own conversations. "Like all of us?" "No just me and you." He said and started playing with my hair. "Like a date?" I asked smirking. "Yessss." He said dragging out the s. "Alright. Where are we going?" "You'll find out tomorrow. You can dress casual." He said and I nodded. I got up and walked to my bunk. "Wake me up when we get to the hotel" I said and got in my bunk. Right now its 12, and we should be getting to Cincinnati at 3.

I got picked up and I opened my eyes. I rubbed my eyes and then looked up at Sam. "You could've just woken me up." I said laughing lightly. "It's fine." He said smiling down at me. I rested my head on his shoulder until he got to my room. He set me down on my bed, "I'll put your room key here." He said putting it down on the nightstand. "Kenny brought up your bags." He said and I nodded, "Thank you." I said and closed my eyes. "Goodnight beautiful." "Night." I said and went to sleep.

I woke up and looked at the time, it was 10:30. I grabbed my phone and texted Jack to ask him at what time our date is at. He told me 2, so I had time to do a few things. I suddenly remembered that I have to film a youtube video for tomorrow. I got up and took a shower, I changed into a hoodie and leggings. I braided my hair into a french braid then put on a little bit of makeup. I didn't know what to film so I decided to call Jack and see if he wanted to film with me. "Hello?" He said and I smiled. "Hey I need to film a video. Do you want to be in it with me?" "Yeah I'll be over in 5. What are we filming?" "Uhh... AskJatie?" I said sounding more like a question. "Alright. I'll tweet it." He said. "Ok I'll see you soon." "Bye babe." "Bye." I said and hung up the phone. I saw Jack had already tweeted:

'@jackgilinsky: send @katiewess and I some questions #AskJatie'

I retweeted and also tweeted the same thing. Jack knocked on the door and I opened it. "Hey gorgeous." He said and pulled me into a hug. "Hi." "Ok so Ask Jatie. Let's do it" He said and I smiled. "Hey guys it's Katie. And this week I'm joined by a very special guest... Jack Gilinsky." I said and Jack came into the video view. "Hey guys." He said and looked at me. "Ok so we are gonna be doing an #AskJatie. You sent us in questions so we are gonna answer some of the them" I said and got my phone. "Are we dating?" I asked. "No" I answered. "You can look for one now." I said and he got his phone. "Can we kiss?" He asked and looked at me. He leaned in and I got nervous, he was a inch away from my lips and then he kissed my cheek. I started blushing like crazy, smiled and rolled my eyes. He laughed and I smacked his arm.

It was 1:45 when we finished the video. "I'm gonna go get ready" I said standing up. I turned around to face him after he didn't answer me, and he was staring at my ass. I shook my head, "Uh sorry. I'll wait. I'm ready." He said and smiled. I went to the bathroom and changed my hoodie to a white crop top. I left my leggings on and then I grabbed white high top converse. My make up and hair was fine so I walked out. "I'm ready." I said and he got up and put his arm around my shoulder. We walked down the street and ended up at an arcade. "We're going to the arcade?" I asked. "Yeah." He said and we walked in. We got our cards with the points and then we played games. "I love this one. It's so hard though." I said dragging him to the one where you have to jump like over a jumprope and it keeps going faster. He laughed and then I went first. "You suck!" He said and then he did it. "Let's go play basketball" He said grabbing my hand and we walked over to the basketball. "I can't make it!" I said laughing frustrated. "Here I'll help you." He said and he started helping me. After the game ended, he put his hands on my waist and turned me around. I looked at him and he smashed his lips against mine. I was caught off guard, but then I started kissing back. Our lips moved in sinc and I ended it, a smile on my face.

I'm not gonna lie this kiss was pretty fucking amazing and Jack's a really good kisser. He slid his hand into mine and intertwined our fingers. I looked down smiling and blushing. "Do I make you nervous?" He asks and I act shocked. "Nooooo" I say and look down. "Your so cute" he says and kisses my cheek. "Stoooppppp" I say and look away covering my face. We got stopped by a couple fans, "Omg are you guys like... A THING?!" she says and looks down at our hands. "Uh no" Jack says quickly and takes his hand out of mine. "Good" she says and Jack just looks at me. what? After we took a couple pictures and hung out with the fans for a bit then started heading back towards the bus at around 7. I was kind of mad. We walked back to the bus without a word. "You okay?" he asks as we start approaching the bus. "Yeah I'm fine" I say opening the door and walking into the bus. "Hey how was your date?" Sam asks as I walk in. "Great" I reply bluntly. I walked towards the back of the bus to the top. I didn't want to talk to anyone or be questioned. I stayed on the roof for a bit looking at the view and waving to a couple fans that called me. "Hey" I turned around and saw Jack. I rolled my eyes and turned back around. He stood next to me leaning on the railing as well. "I'm sorry" "I don't even want to hear it" "Katie" "Whatever Jack I don't care, I should've know you weren't in to me." "Katie that's not true" "Jack you said it yourself, we're not a thing" I say and turn around to walk away. "Katie I like you" he says and I stop mid-track and turn around. "Do you Jack? Because everything was going fine until the fans came and you had to speak the truth. Is that it? Jack I had feelings for you and it's fine if you don't like me back you don't have to keep lying to me" "Katie I'm not lying to you, please. I really like you, I don't want hate and I don't want a couple fans to think that we're dating and then it'll come back to us for not announcing things" "I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight Jack" I say before walking back down to the bunk. I grabbed my pajamas and changed in the bathroom before walking back to my bunk. I went on my phone scrolling through Twitter when a specific tweet caught my eye.

@jackgilinsky just had the best night of my life.

I clicked on his account and found another tweet,

@jackgilinsky it wasn't a lie

I turned off my phone and tried to go to sleep but I still had Jack in the back of my mind.

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