Chapter XL

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Tears filled up Leia's eyes as she stood frozen in her spot. Her heart skipped a beat at the sight of her son standing just before her. She feared he wasn't real, feared he wasn't actually there before her... but then he made his way towards her. The closer he got, the more she could feel his presence. His life Force. It was him in the flesh and she couldn't utter a single word.

She had waited for this day to come, the day her son would realize he wasn't where he was meant to be. She had hoped that someday... someday he'd return home.

And here he was.

Kylo came to a stop before his mother. It was inevitable to have him tear up, he hadn't seen her this close in so long—and the Force apparitions didn't count. He could tell she was tongue tied, if he had a child he hadn't seen in so long, he was sure he'd be the same way, too. "I know you have a lot of questions on how I got here," he started, "and whose ship that is, but—"

Suddenly, Leia nearly leapt forward, pulling him into a tight embrace and feeling her not-so-small boy in her arms. She fought back a sob, tears slipping without a warning as she pressed her forehead against his chest.

Kylo stood there with wide eyes and hands in the air, he felt confused when he shouldn't have. Maybe it's because he hadn't felt his mother's hugs in so long, or maybe he was insanely touch starved that when any form of affection was given, he froze up.

Stepping back, knowing exactly what her son was feeling and how the only other person he had felt a form of love from as of late was Chi, Leia couldn't help but frown. Her eyebrows furrowed as her heart shattered. Had he known? Was that why he was there? With the look on his face... it didn't seem like he knew about anything.

"What is it?" He asked, eyebrows narrowing at his mother's facial expression.

"As much as I want to enjoy this moment..." Leia breathed, "I know now is not the time..."

Gulping, Kylo shook his head, "tell me what's wrong, I know something is."

"It's Chi—"

"What about her?!" Kylo raised his voice as his heart skipped a beat. "Where is she? Is she not here? Kriff! I haven't felt her in some time, I've been so focused on—"

"Ben, she is gone..." Leia broke stammering, seeing his facial expression change. She could almost hear his heart plummeting to the ground.

"Gone— Gone where?!" He yelled, worry seeping out of him as his breathing quickened. "Where is she?! Is she on Exegol?! She's—"

"No, Ben," Leia shook her head. "She went to look for the Son."

Standing there, frozen with eyes wide in fear, Kylo slowly backed up before turning. Just about ready to run back to the ship he had brought, Leia quickly grabbed his arm and stopped him. "I don't know where she is, Ben. She just left and there was no trace... No way of tracking her—"

"I can find her," Kylo insisted.


"I can and I will find her," he said over his shoulder as Leia sighed. She loosened her grip, knowing very will if she was in his place and Han had gone missing, she would do anything to find him.

And she knew, deep down, Ben could find Chi.

Reaching into her jacket, Leia pulled out her lightsaber. "I feel you may need the extra help," grabbing onto his hand and placing the hilt on it, Leia looked up at her son.

"I don't—"

"Bring her home, I know you can," Leia nodded with a soft smile.

Looking at her, Kylo took in a deep breath before lifting his tunic and clipping the lightsaber on his belt. Just about to rush away, he leaned in and kissed his mother's forehead before turning and leaving her sight.

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