Chapter XXXI

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"An unknown flagship has intercepted us!" A distressed Resistance soldier exclaimed into the com. "We believed it to be the First Order but we got a look and—" hearing the line cut out for a moment, the voice came back again, "we had to travel elsewhere! A planet called Pasaana! It's the closest to us! We are being hunted down and we know we can not return to base without them following—"

Sucking in a deep breath as she listened, Leia lifted her focus and eyed Rey, who stood between Finn and Poe.

"There is something else out there! We have never seen anything like it! General, we believe it to be—"

Hearing the line cut out as it fizzled, Leia stood up straight and furrowed her eyebrows. A sudden shriek was heard before everything fell silent, causing the four to exchange looks.

"Who do you think it is?" Finn asked, eyeing Leia.

Holding her chin for a moment, she suddenly felt a sense of unease coming from Rey as she looked at her. "Rey?"

Lifting her head and looking back at the older woman, Rey took in a small breath. "I don't know... but something doesn't feel right."

"Someone that isn't the First Order... in a flagship?" Poe shook his head. "Who else is capable of having and running an entire flagship?"

"Maybe it's those who rebelled against Kylo Ren and have taken their own side..." Finn trailed, but Rey shook her head.

"No... The soldier mentioned how they got a look. Before it cut out, of course... It's clear it isn't First Order. What could they have seen? An insignia? But who else would be after the Resistance?" Rey had an endless stream of questions as Leia stood in silence, a singular answer popping in her head.

It made sense.

It all made sense.

"I need the three of you to go together and check that planet, Pasaana. We need to see if there's any remaining survivors and any sort of clue as to who was after them," Leia spoke up. "Take the Falcon."

Nodding their heads and quickly walking off to prepare for a sudden departure, Leia turned around and spotted Han. "The Falcon..."

"You know she's the fastest ship, she'll get them out if anything goes wrong," Leia said as Han sighed.

"I feel I have lent her more than I have actually used her since the moment she's been returned," he crossed his arms as Leia shook her head.

"I know you had dreams of handing it down... consider it being handed down."

"I meant to my own child," Han shook his head as Leia smiled.

"Consider Rey one of our own."

Watching Leia walk out of the cave and toward the entrance, Han called out, "why do I feel I'll lose her again?!"

Waving her hand in the air dismissively, Leia spoke up, "oh, relax..."

• • •

"What... is happening?" Finn asked as he stood up, looking through the canopy window as the Falcon flew over a large crowd of natives. "A festival?"

Eyeing it, Rey smiled, "it must be some sort of tradition."

"Don't get too excited," Poe shook his head. "We aren't here to get distracted. For all we know, we're being hunted, too."

Sighing, Finn made his way to the back as the Falcon landed, gathering his bag and blaster before Rey and Poe soon followed.

Opening up the ramp and being greeted by endless sand and heat, the trio walked down before making their way towards the festival. "Let's hope they understand Basic..." Poe said as Rey smiled.

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