Chapter VII

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First Order hangars were much more... monochromatic than Chi expected. Although, the one back on Sona was golden and the landing pads on D'Qar were all surrounded by grass... it made sense. They reflected the location they were in. The moment Chi had exited the ramp, she had tried to casually follow through with the crowd before casually making a run for it.

Walking along the halls with her back straight and head held high, she tried to listen in on any conversations about a Resistance prisoner. It was enough that the ship she was now on was as big as (or even bigger than) the base she lived on... it would take her days to search every inch.

In a matter of seconds, Chi had grown lost. All the hallways looked almost the same and nothing indicated a different sector or even a station. It was almost as if the people of the First Order just knew every inch by heart. Wishing she could pinch her nose, she shut her eyes before reopening them—what in the galaxy was she going to do?

Suddenly, she heard voices coming from down the hall that crossed the one she was in. Swiftly standing beside a door and pretending to take guard it, she listened in.

"I assume the attack on Jakku was successful if there was a prisoner brought back?" A lanky man spoke with red hair as a tall trooper in chrome walked beside him.

"Ren has the prisoner locked within a torture chamber. The village on Jakku was destroyed as were the villagers." Hearing a female voice coming from the helmet, Chi slightly turned her head.

"Hmm. The Supreme Leader should be pleased, unless, of course... Commander Ren failed him."

Feeling uneasy with the man's tone, Chi fully turned her head to the two. There was a sense of envy... and the hatred was heavy. Whoever this was, he despised Kylo and clearly wanted something bad to happen to him. Although it was no surprise to find out someone on his own side hating him, it did somehow spark wonder in Chi. Why was there bad blood?

Turning her head back ahead, Chi sucked in a small breath—at least now she knew where Poe was. Somewhere... in a torture chamber.

But where exactly?

Standing there and biting her tongue, Chi shook her head before deciding to follow the two. She knew to keep her distance, not wanting to be noticed, but she had hoped they'd lead her somewhere near Poe's location. As she did, she couldn't help but eye the ship. All the rooms, the endless halls, numerous troopers and officers. She knew the Order was big... but not this big. And this was just one ship of many.

Just as she was about to turn a corner to continue following the chrome trooper and the officer beside her, another officer rushed over. "Pardon me Captain Phasma, General Hux, but—" at the sudden sound of an alarm, Chi lifted her head.

"What in the galaxy?" The man—she learned to be General Hux—lifted his head.

"It's the Resistance pilot..." Poe?! Chi thought. "They've escaped with a rogue trooper."

"We must make it to the bridge," Hux ordered before rushing off.

Standing there with a small smile in relief, hoping Poe would make it far, Chi decided it was time to drop her borrowed uniform and get out of there. She abandoned the armor in a random control room before keeping the blaster. The halls were filled with movement, so blending in was quite easy, but she had hoped no one would question her attire of just an undershirt and pants.

"They've stollen a TIE fighter and they're trying to shoot it down," Chi heard someone speak.

"Shoot it down? To Jakku?" Another voice replied.

"We haven't left the system and it's the planet we are closest to. It's gravity would take them in and they'd more than likely die."

Squeezing her eyes shut and mentally cursing every action that's been made by both Poe and the Order, Chi huffed. If Poe and the rogue trooper were trying to escape Star Destroyer canons, then she wouldn't be surprised if they were to get hit. It was bound to happen and they would end up crashing.

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