Chapter VI

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It only took Chi mere seconds to grab the saber Ahsoka lent her before she stood to her feet. Rushing out of the room and down from the canopies, she felt her heart race. Although she crashed on this planet, she was still a guest. The last thing she needed was to disturb the home of the Wookiees and upset Ahsoka.

Jumping from platform to platform as fast as she could, Chi made it to the bottom before sprinting towards Kachirho beach. She knew it wouldn't take Kylo Ren long to find her if he already knew of the planet Kashyyyk—the question was, what was his plan?

Coming to a stop as she tried catching her breath, Chi eyed her surroundings, seeing all the rotting vessels along the beach amongst rusted droids that scattered the shoreline. The Force around her felt heavy, almost as if everywhere she looked, his energy was there. Taking in deep breaths, she snapped her head in the direction of a run down ship. Sprinting over to its direction as she gripped the lightsaber and slowly walked around, Chi looked over and saw nothing. Slowly backing up, she heard a sound coming from the sky, causing her to look up.

Seeing a TIE swoop down, she instantly rolled forward as it flew by. Pushing herself to her feet, she ran in the direction it went in with clenched teeth. Activating the shoto in her hold as the white blade appeared, Chi spotted Kylo emerge from the cloud of sand with his crossguard in his grip. Swinging the lightsaber, Kylo's own came into contact with it as the two began to duel.

Waving and slamming their lightsabers against one another as Chi moved along the sandy beach, the two of them constantly found their lightsabers clashing. Neither of them ducked, it was almost as if Chi's attacks were mirrored by Kylo. Trying to attack any openings, Kylo was quick to cut off her moves. Swinging to the left and right, towards his sides and above his head, Kylo was swift enough block each blow.

With every attack she made, no matter how quick she was or how swift her movements were, it was almost as if Kylo saw them coming. Moving forward as Kylo backed up, Chi tried and tried to get him at any angle, failing to do so as he was far too fast for her. Growing closer and closer to the clutter around the beach, their lightsabers made contact with the deteriorating battle vessels, cutting them open and causing sparks.

Realizing Kylo now had the upper hand as Chi began to back up, she lifted her foot up and kicked his chest—giving her enough time to reach out into the Force and throw one of the battle droids.

Of course, in seconds Kylo sliced the droid into pieces.

"You fight well. You're improving," he spoke through his apparatus as Chi glared. "You must have a skilled master."

Circling one another as Chi took in deep breaths, she tightened her grip around Ahsoka's saber. "What do you want?" She snarled. "I have nothing to give you. I will not join you."

"You believe that is what I want?" Kylo asked as Chi came to a stop. "I don't want you as an apprentice. I see you are skilled. It's clear. You are awakening something powerful within yourself. Something you don't understand—"

"What I don't understand is why the Force keeps bringing you to me," Chi corrected, pointing her lightsaber at him. "I've heard what's in your head—"

"As did I to you," Kylo nodded his head once, causing her to halt. "You don't know what lives in there... those voices."

"Neither do you," Chi squinted her eyes.

"No, I don't," he shook his head. "I'm curious—"

"I don't care what you are, I don't need you threatening this planet." Charging forward, Chi was about to make an attack, but Kylo was quick to freeze the princess and pull her to him as Chi's weapon slipped from her grip.

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