Chapter XXXV

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A week had passed since the trio of Finn, Rey, and Poe left Ajan Kloss. With the rise in murders of Resistance members, Leia and the the rest of her men grew desperate for answers to the never ending madness. From planet to planet, traveling in hopes to find some sort of answer or at least a clue, there was nothing but the aftermath... No bodies, just blood and destruction.

"Not a single body found... yet again. The few stationed on Felucia were found," Poe said, reporting to Leia as he spoke to hologram, Finn standing across from him as Rey stood to a side. Her mind wasn't there, it hadn't been for a while. She couldn't seem to do much. She could barely sleep. The voice in her head was growing prominent and she wondered if Chi had suffered the same for so long... and how had she without saying a word.

"So close yet so far..."

Closing her eyes for a moment, tuning the voice out as she focused on her friends life Forces, Rey let out a sigh before opening her eyes.

"This will never end until every last one is dead."

Sitting up from her chair within her ship, moving her focus from the many books Kylo had handed her through their connection about legends, Chi furrowed her eyebrows. Her connection to Rey faltered, but she felt a disturbance. Letting out a small breath, Chi settled her pen before standing up from note taking. Moving to her couch that sat behind her, Chi crossed her legs and closed her eyes.

Meditating and trying to reach Rey, it almost felt like it was nothing but static. Silence filling the air as an emptiness filled her. An unanswered connection. A room full of white suddenly grew dark as low whispers filled the air. A chill ran up her spine as something sinister was sensed. Building her walls high to protect herself, a darkness creeped in, creating cracks in her defenses.

Forcing herself awake, she opened her eyes to Kylo standing before her. "Chi—"

Rushing towards his projection, she slowed her pace and grabbed his hand, placing it against her cheek and sighing in relief. "I wish to see you..."

Eyeing her, Kylo breathed in, knowing she was suffering more than she was before. "Soon we will. But we must be careful... we are at risk. There are eyes everywhere. More of my men have been killed... just like your own."

Looking down, Chi then breathed out, "I tried reaching out to Rey... I felt her fear. But instead of finding her, there was darkness reaching for me... I tried to build my walls but they began to crack..."

Biting down, Kylo leaned in the slightest, "keep your walls high no matter what. If you are desperate, please, reach out to me."

Nodding, Chi then lowered his hand and held onto it, "how are you holding up?"

Eyeing her, Kylo rubbed his thumb against the back of her hand, "I am hearing the voice less and less... it's more concerning than relieving..."

Blinking, Chi furrowed her eyebrows, "it's a good thing for you... but what about Rey?"

"I don't know... if she's hearing a voice, it must be him."

Walking up to Chi's ship, Leia slowed her pace as she heard not one but two voices. Taking a few steps up the ramp, Leia leaned in and listened.

"We need to—" stopping mid sentence, Kylo suddenly looked behind him.

"What is it?" Chi asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

Gasping at the sound of her son's voice, Leia quickly covered her mouth. Wanting nothing more than to barge in and see him, Leia stood back and prevented herself from doing so.

"Nothing..." shaking his head, Kylo looked back at Chi, "I will speak to you again soon," he said, leaning in and kissing her forehead before disappearing.

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