Chapter XXVI

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Kylo sat there within the temple for what felt like hours, feeling Chi vibrate in his arms as she cried into his chest. He had wondered as to what she saw... She must have seen something to cause the reaction. All that was around them was... nothing but an empty temple. Deep down he knew it had something to do with the voices, he just wished he knew who it was.

Lifting Chi in his arms and making his way out of the temple and back towards her ship, Kylo brought her to her bed and settled her down. "Don't leave..." she begged, clinging onto him, defeat written all over her face.

"I won't," he shook his head before he removed her boots and then his own, lying beside her as she curled into his side.

Holding fistfuls of his top, trying to be as close to him as possible, Chi felt Kylo turn himself enough for their chests to press together. Feeling his heart thud against hers, Chi sighed. "I was so scared... I thought I was done for..."

Hugging her close, Kylo caressed her back, "it's okay, we're safe now..." he nearly whispered.

"Thank you," Chi breathed, falling into silence for a moments worth. "It was the voice... It was there..."

Gulping, Kylo shut his eyes, "he wasn't real."

"I want to believe that... but it felt so real... I was petrified..." she whispered. "But I know he's after me. After everything I love... After the light."

Taking in a deep breath, Kylo brought his hand into her hair and massaged her scalp, "he won't take you away from me. No one can. I promise you."

Wanting to believe in Kylo's words, Chi closed her eyes and buried her face in his chest. She wanted to believe she was truly safe, that Kylo would defeat all the evil that haunted her... but deep down, in her gut, she knew not even he could stop whoever it was after her.

And that terrified her.

• • •

Hearing the nightly rain of Ajan Kloss, Rey made her way towards the edge of the cave, eyeing the outside as everyone had either been asleep, or in their respective areas. Pulling on the hood of her poncho, Rey exited the cave and aimed to where Chi's ship usually sat. Wanting to speak to her about her plan, desperate to get Ben on their side and defeat the First Order, Rey came to a sudden stop. The spot before her, knowing it was where Chi's ship was settled, Rey furrowed her eyebrows.

Deep in thought, Rey turned and quickly made her way back into the cave. Removing her hood and looking for Leia, Rey sprinted over to where she knew the older woman normally was at that time of the night. "Leia?"

"Rey?" Leia spoke up, lifting her head from her spot and shutting off the holopad in her hand. "Is everything alright?"

"We need to do this," she breathed. "Finn and I. We need to find him and bring him home."

Eyeing Rey, Leia took in a deep breath and looked back at where she settled the holopad. "Rey..."

"We can't give up, he is our only hope," she shook her hood. "Especially now that we could not bring Luke back."

Turning her focus back, Leia stood up, "the chances of this being successful is very slim, Rey. The number of Resistance members is small now and we can't risk the numbers," she shook her head.

"Leia... please... This isn't just for us, this is for Ben... for the light..." thinking about Chi, Rey gulped, "we don't know if we don't try."

Sucking in a deep breath, Leia turned away for a moment before facing Rey once again. "Take these and make sure not to lose them. I believe in you and Finn, but that does not mean I don't worry. You two mean a lot to me, you are like a daughter to me, Rey..." handing her a pair of beacons, Rey took them in her hands before Leia held onto her. "Do what's right, no matter what happens, follow your heart. I know you do."

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