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Heavy rainfall pelted against Chi's body as she rushed out of her ship and towards the cave. Her heart was racing fast as she tried to keep herself from losing it. Her fear was building up in her chest like vile. Was her friend okay? Was the trio alright?

"Has anyone heard from Finn, Rey, and Poe?" Chi asked with a panicky tone. "Anyone?!" She called out, suddenly feeling a hand wrap around hers and causing her to turn. "Leia—"

"Chi," she eyed the young, distressed woman. The way her eyes were wide, how her lips were parted as she panted. "What is it?"

"Have— Have you heard from Rey?" She asked, catching her breath.

"Not since their last update that they were traveling to Kef Bir, reaching out to a contact," Leia explained as Chi gulped before furrowing her eyebrows.

"Where is that?" She asked, eyeing the older woman in confusion.

Breathing in as she studied the princess before her, Leia sighed guiding Chi with her toward a star map. "Here," she pointed. "It's an Endor moon. Why do you need to know? Is something wrong?"

Breathing in, Chi shook her head, "it's nothing..." Biting her tongue as she eyed the star map, Chi's shoulders dropped, "I'm just worried for my friend..."

Looking at the way Chi stood there with a small hunch, a sense of fear brushed against Leia. Something was wrong, she could tell... she just wished Chi was more open.

Moving her hand to Chi's shoulder, Leia gave it a small squeeze. "Rey is okay, she is strong... just like you, Chi. She has Finn and Poe, all is well... no matter what your fears tell you."

Breathing in, Chi nodded before looking at Leia, "thank you..." Placing her hand on top of Leia's, she gave it a small squeeze before turning away and walking back to her ship.

The rain had calmed down but it still had been drizzling. Her body trembled from the temperature drop and the lack of warmth on her. Walking up the ramp and back into her ship, Chi took a quick, warm shower before dressing and wrapping herself in Kylo's cape. Approaching the stack of books she collected over time through Kylo, she slid her finger down the spines. Pulling one out, she sat down and opened the book.

Breathing in and skimming through the illustrations of the Death Star and notes taken that would help bring forth Starkiller Base, Chi turned pages before stopping at one. The destruction of the second Death Star due to the Rebellion... in the Endor sector. Sitting up and spotting a sketch of the Endor moon, Kef Bir, Chi furrowed her eyebrows.

"Kef Bir... the Death Star... Emperor Palpatine's throne..." connecting the dots, the sudden sound of commotion caught her attention as she settled the book down and stood up. Making her way towards the ramp of her ship, she spotted the unmarked vessel. "Rey..." Chi smiled, seeing the young woman walk down. About to rush over, she held herself in her spot as she watched Finn and Poe carry... something out.

Furrowing her eyebrows as she watched the two men walk towards the cave as Rey followed behind, Chi slowly made her way after.

"What... is this?" Han asked, looking down at the dead body.

"This is what's been our threat," Finn said.

"One of our threats," Poe added.

"A dead body?" Han arched an eyebrow as officers gathered around, Leia making her way towards the crowd.

The Light is Coming | Kylo RenHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin