Chapter XXXVI

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Music filled the air of a Coruscant based bar home to First Order officers who wanted to get away. Although it didn't seem to be a thing for Order members to practice, plenty found their ways there as a way to escape. Some practiced in obscene acts while others just wanted to clear their mind with liquor.

Loudly speaking and laughing amongst one another as a group of drunken men exited the bar, still dressed in their First Order uniform, they were ready to make their way back to the flagship that resided above. Exchanging absurd and incoherent words, the men found themselves walking through an alley that lead to their transportation.

From afar, a lone officer heard the obnoxious voices boom through the walls. Though the music was loud and audible from outside of the bar, the officers almost seemed louder. Rolling his eyes, the blond man shook his head as he placed his First Order cap back on. Just about to walk away, he heard sudden blood curdling yells. Snapping his head over and seeing dark figures in the distance, the officer's eyes widened as he watched them lift the now limp and deceased bodies.

Backing up and hiding behind a pillar, not wanting to be caught, he slowly reached for his blaster, about to pull it out, only to see the figures suddenly disappear within the darkness. Gulping, he slowly stood up straight and eyed his surroundings before rushing off to make his way back to the palace.

Looking behind him every so often, he found his personal speeder and fled to the palace, fearing he'd be followed. He didn't waste any time, knowing very well there was a threat lurking in the darkness as more and more men were being suspiciously killed without a trace.

Parking at the front of the palace, hopping out and rushing in, he slowed his pace as he approached stormtroopers, bowing his head and quickening his feet as he entered. Searching around in a hurry, the lieutenant spotted a group of familiar figures.

Treading along together in an orderly fashion, one of the knights looked over their shoulder and spotted the officer. Departing from their team, they walked over and brought the man to a side, away from wandering eyes. Removing their helmet, the woman hidden underneath layers and a false name spoke up, "what is it, Lou?" She asked, eyeing the man before her in concern as she recognized the look on his face.

"I saw them..." Lou whispered as the female knight furrowed her eyebrows. "I was leaving the bar and this group of officers... they were slaughtered."

"What do you mean?" She leaned in.

"It all happened so fast... but they were cloaked figures. All in black. I couldn't see anything, not even their faces. It was just... dark... I was pulling out my blaster in case of self defense but... but they were gone... along with the bodies."

Studying the man's hazel eyes, the woman breathed in. "Did you see anything recognizable?"

Shaking his head, he looked down for a moment, "nothing... it was too dark."

"Not even a patch or an emblem?" She asked.

"Nothing... It was like... It was almost like they were darkness, themselves. They felt inhuman." Taking in a deep breath, Lou eyed the blue eyed woman before him, "Margo... you must tell him."

Eyeing Lou, she nodded in agreement. "I will. Please find out which officers they were."

"I will," bowing his head, he watched Margo back up. Before she could place her helmet back on, he caught her hand and pulled her back. "My time is coming..." Gulping as she eyed him, Margo slowly nodded in silence. Taking a step forward, Margo gave him a small kiss before walking off, replacing her helmet and making her way to the throne.

Sitting before a pair of higher ranking officers, Kylo spoke about matters relating to the First Order's expansion. Just as he was about to carry on, the sound of footsteps caught his attention as he lifted his head. Recognizing the walk and urgency the knight was giving off through the Force, Kylo lifted his hands to the officers. "We will continue later." Bowing their heads and turning to leave, Kylo watched as the knight grew closer and knelt before him. "What is it?"

The Light is Coming | Kylo RenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora