Chapter XI

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Chi didn't know whether or not to thank or flat out fight Kylo Ren for knocking her unconscious. She needed the rest, but not in... that way. Sitting in an X-Wing after Leia had given the young rebel coordinates, Chi made the jump to light speed. With the crazy plan shared by Leia of how to enter the base's atmosphere without being sensed, Chi know she was in a whirlwind of both fun and terror.

"I can't believe I'm doing this..." she said, ready to break light speed and make her landing. "Yet here I am... doing it anyway..." suddenly appearing on Starkiller's atmosphere as she tried to land somewhere without crashing a fiery death, Chi maneuvered the handle before making harsh contact with the snowy ground. "Ugh—" sucking in a deep breath and removing her helmet, Chi pushed the X-Wing open before hopping out.

Working on instinct wasn't always the smartest thing, not when Chi stood within a forest and found herself... lost. Frowning, the young woman sighed, "I'm trying to be a hero of the galaxy yet I am here, on enemy territory, lost and unsure of where to even go..." looking around, Chi rubbed her face, "it would be nice if the Force could... guide me." Feeling nothing, she huffed and began to walk one way, in hopes it would lead her. Now wasn't the time to mess around. Let alone, get lost.

On the other end of the forest sat the Millennium Falcon. Rey and Finn had gone their separate ways after helping guide Han and Chewie, working quickly to find BB-8 and set the detonators. However, unbeknownst to them, their ship was found.

Climbing the ramp and entering the ship, Kylo Ren sucked in a quiet breath. He hadn't been inside of the Falcon in years... The feeling felt strange. It was foreign to him. But he had to put his emotions to a side as he eyed the interior. He could sense the life Forces that came with it. He knew them all.

As Kylo had been trying to get information out of the BB unit, a sudden interruption came his way as an officer informed him of a well known Corellian freighter that took a parking spot in their snowy forest. With fury in his veins as he stomped through the snow and spotted the recognizable ship, he knew nothing good came from seeing his fathers ship.

Breathing in as he stood within the canopy, his eyebrows furrowed from within his helmet. Walking back out and towards the Dejarik table, he aimed for the cot in the wall. Placing his hand against the cushion, he sucked in a deep breath.

"I can't believe she risked herself for me..." the young woman with the three buns spoke. "If she hadn't... who knows what would have happened to me."

"I do, you would have been locked in an interrogation chair like Poe had," the ex stormtrooper spoke. "Ren would've gotten to you, too. Who knows what he would have done."

"Now he has the droid," his father spoke up as the Wookiee followed behind him with Chi's unconscious body, settling her down. "We'll get it back. We always manage to find ourselves on rescue missions..."

"I just hope she's fine... I truly would like to get to know her better..." the scavenger said before the group walked away.

Pulling his hand away, Kylo gulped. Chi was alive, as expected. He knew nothing bad would come her way, anyway. Not when he left her in a spot no one (stormtroopers) would have thought to go to. But, that didn't make him any better of a person.

Just about to walk away, Kylo felt a shift in the Force. A distant, yet... not so far off from where he was. Looking back over at the cot, then ahead of him, he muttered under his breath, "it's her..."

Chi had found herself walking through the piercing cold weather, more than glad that at least some of her attire kept her warm... for the most part. Her Jedi attire that was handcrafted on Kashyyyk was meant for... well, Kashyyyk's warm weather... not the cold. But the material was thick—although breathable—it did some justice.

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