Chapter XII

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The ice planet of Ilum was taking a beating as the Starkiller Base had been the major target of the First Order. The super weapon that destroyed most of the New Republic would not know what had hit it the moment chaos erupted.

Feeling the ground violently shake beneath her feet as she ran with a racing heart, hearing the alarm and frantic footsteps from rushing officers and stormtroopers, Chi could panted. She had to find a way out, a way back to her borrowed X-Wing. However... with a planet being destroyed, it was going to be a challenge. It almost felt as if she was stuck in a maze, running for hours on end, shoving past mobs of troopers and officers.

Worry had filled her veins, and for some reason, she knew it wasn't for her own well-being. A piece of her thought about him.

Trying not to panic as she rushed through the halls, trying to avoid any deep cracks or trenches being created, Chi finally found a way out. Running as fast as she could, feeling her heart race within her chest, Chi found herself nearly losing her balance with the violent tremors.

Struggling to rush through the dense snow, using the tracker of the X-Wing she carried to find it, another rough tremble of the planet caused Chi to trip and lean against a tree. Forcing herself off and continuing to rush, Chi spotted the X-Wing in distance. Sighing in relief, more than thankful to have found it in time, the young lieutenant stopped in her tracks. A sudden feeling moved throughout her body.

Shaking it off and sprinting up to the ship and climbing the side to get in, Chi was more than ready to flee the planet. Sitting in the pilot seat as she handled the toggles to get the spacecraft ready to lift off, Chi felt uneasy.

There was an odd tug in her chest. A sort of pang that struck her heart. Furrowing her eyebrows as she looked off into the distance, something pulled her attention away. It was a sensation she couldn't ignore—and neither could her body. Chi found herself hopping out of the ship without a second thought as her heart thudded against her chest. Breaking into a sprint, her feet guided her along as she moved further away from the X-Wing.

She could hear her heart racing faster within her ears the closer she got to... whatever it was. Had it been Rey? Maybe it was the others? Feeling another shake, Chi nearly snapped out of it and wanted to rush back, but something caught her focus. A pile of black not too far from her made the feeling within her stronger. Slowly approaching, Chi only gasped as she realized what it was.

Who it was. 

Running over without questioning her actions, Chi felt her heart wanting to burst out of her chest. Seeing Kylo lying there, heavily panting as his eyes squeezed shut, Chi spotted a gash that ran across his face. Gulping as she eyed him, then searched for whatever could have caused it, she looked closer and realized it looked more like something had burned through his face. "A lightsaber..." Chi whispered.

Feeling the planet rumble, Chi grabbed under his arms, lifting him enough to drag him away. Resting him against a tree as she took in deep breaths, Chi eyed the multiple wounds that tattered his skin.

Slowly and forcefully opening his eyes, Kylo's vision was blurry. He could hardly make out who was before him, all he could see was golden. Reaching out his hand to feel whoever it was, almost too weak to do so, Kylo breathed out, "Chi..."

Snapping her attention to his watery eyes, then over to his hand, she lowered it. "Don't move." Reaching over for one of her lightsabers and igniting it, Chi sliced off a piece of her tunic. Deactivating the blade and clipping it back, she wrapped it around the scar across his face. Tearing her sleeves off to use as extra bandage, Chi worked as fast as she could. "I don't know why I am helping you. I shouldn't be... But I can't leave you like this."

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