Chapter XIII

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A few months passed since the destruction of Starkiller Base. Chi had made her decision to return to Ahsoka that same night, leaving the following day after saying her goodbyes. She had made it rather quick, giving Leia the longest goodbye as she had only let the general, Poe, and Kaydel know.

Ahsoka had patiently waited for her student's return, more than happy to see her alive the moment she had landed back on Kashyyyk. Although she knew how tough things had been for the princess, she didn't waste time in teaching her what she needed to know... especially when the war had just begun.

Standing from afar, watching Chi practice with her lightsabers, Ahsoka looked off to the sunset. "Master..."

"Hello, Snips."

Hearing the familiar voice, Ahsoka turned and looked at the Force ghost. "It seems as if you won't get over that name, hmm?"

"Never," Anakin smiled. "It's nice to see you with a student."

"I never thought I would. Especially not at this age..." Ahsoka sighed. "But, she is different. So different..."

"I can tell. You know so much about her."

"You should, too." Looking at her old master, Ahsoka crossed her arms.

"Yes... but, she is not why I am here," Anakin confessed.

Sucking in a deep breath, Ahsoka nodded. "I do..." Taking a seat on a large, fallen tree branch, Anakin took a seat beside her. "My time is coming... I know. But it's lovely being able to help guide her down her path." Looking back over at Chi, Ahsoka smiled. "I haven't known happiness nor peace like this for so long."

"She is impressive. She wields those sabers just like a padawan I once knew," Anakin teased. "I assume she is no Jedi."

"She is whatever she wants to be. Just as long as she's doing it for good. For the light within her and the universe..."

"For her bloodline, hmm?" Anakin said as Ahsoka looked over.

"And her future..." she nodded. "She's improved so much. I feel almost as if I can no longer train her. That she must learn the rest on her own... whatever the Force has in her path."

"It's hard to tell when to stop training a student.  Us masters are always learning, ourselves. We just need to know when to let them go..." looking at Chi gracefully swing her blades, Anakin smiled, "and I know she's ready."

"She is... She's done so much on her own. I just... I don't want to let go. She is so bright, I haven't felt such energy in so long..." Ahsoka breathed. "I'm so proud. I know she will go very far."

"She is a princess after all." Eyeing Chi, Anakin nodded. "She's a lot... A lot more than just a princess."

"She is..." Ahsoka agreed. "I just need to speak with her before I must depart."

"With Chi or—"

"You know who... It's been some time." Breathing in, Ahsoka stood up. "Before my hourglass runs out of sand."

"I will be seeing you," Anakin bowed his head as he stood beside Ahsoka. "I have always been so proud of you, Snips. I couldn't have asked for a better padawan." With a hand on her shoulder, Anakin then disappeared before the sound of footsteps caught Ahsoka's attention.

"Master Tano," Chi bowed her head.

"Chi..." Ahsoka smiled. "I have a mission for you."

"A mission?" Chi tilted her head. "What is it?"

"Take me to D'Qar."

Blinking, Chi sucked in a breath before nodding, "oh... alright."

"I would like to go now," Ahsoka said. "I'd like to speak to General Organa."

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