Chapter VIII

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Kylo could feel the anger raging through his bones as he paced. Fists clenched as his teeth barred. Poe Dameron had escaped with the help of a rogue trooper... and Chi managed to make her way in and out of the Finalizer without him sensing it.

He knew it was her. He could feel her Force signature. She was clever, he knew this very well, she was proving him right more and more after each encounter. Chi managed to make her way to another end of the galaxy to save a friend... he just wondered where it was she went now and if she had found Poe.

For now, he had other matters at hand, but soon he would find her again. And soon he would learn more about her and why it is the Force was so heavily on her side.

• • •

"Please remind me as to why we are on yet another planet full of trees?" Tou asked as the three of you made your arrival on Kashyyyk.

"That's because my master is here," Chi answered as she gathered what little she had before lowering the ramp.

"Master? Is General Organa not your master?" Tou leaned forward to bring Bebe onto his shoulder.

"She is. But she has enough on her plate. She guides Kaydel... and I have a feeling there is more for Leia to handle now that this whole fiasco began with the map..." walking down the ramp and beginning her walk, Tou followed. "I need to be well prepared now that I am aware of who I am. I can't go into battle not knowing how to use the Force to boost our chances!"

"Well, as long as I am not the punching bag—"

"Tou... you'll be watching. Plus, I didn't want to leave you and Bebe behind... I've hardly been around the two of you," Chi shook her head.

"Good to be with you!" Bebe spoke up with a nod. "Good to be together!"

"Mhm, all of us..." she smiled, thinking about how they were her little family. "Though, I could use another human," Chi teased as Tou scoffed.

"Chi?" Hearing Ahsoka's voice as the young woman approached the grounds of where she trained with her master, Chi sucked in a breath. "You're back..."

"I have unfinished training," Chi bowed her head, earning a proud smile from the old woman.

"I knew you'd find your way back, somehow... not within the same day, but— Why are you in TIE fighter uniform?" Ahsoka questioned with a head tilt.

Eyeing herself, she shrugged. "It's an interesting concept, looks great and... just in case I need to infiltrate again."

"Again?" Ahsoka raised an eyebrow as Chi nodded.

"I... snuck into the First Order to save my friend who— Anyway, long story short, I needed the disguise," she shrugged as Ahsoka narrowed her eyebrows for a moment before dismissing it.

"I'm glad you've returned..." she began, "there's so much more I'd like to show you."

"Good, because there's so much more I want to know."

Eyeing Chi, Ahsoka nodded, "would you like for us to go straight into it or for you to rest? I'm sure you're exhausted... and starving."

Looking down at her stomach, then up at Ahsoka, Chi nodded, "it's best I have a full stomach so I'm not distracted."

Smiling, Ahsoka nodded in agreement before guiding Chi up to the canopies. "Mind introducing me to your friends?"

"Oh, how could I forget! Pardon me!" Chi chuckled as Tou sighed. "This lovely imperial droid is Tou and my little buddy on his shoulder is Bebe."

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