The Prologue

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Lightening cascaded across the dark sky of the temperate planet called Sona. Thunder roared throughout the city of Lilium as the double moons peeked through the storm clouds. There was a sense of unease felt in the palace halls as rain violently struck the wall high windows. Quietly rushing down the tiled grown that reflected the subtle light from the night, Chi Bouvier slowed her pace as she approached a corner.

Peeking her head over, spotting the royal guards that protected the palace walls and its inhabitants, Chi sucked in a small breath. With a silent gulp and the lift of her gown, she scurried across, entering yet another hall. Chi could spot the hangar doors in the distance, standing tall in all it's golden glory. This was her last chance to turn away, to change her mind and return to her quarters—a place where she'd be safe.

Yet, Chi found herself approaching the entrance, slowly as the doors slid open. Spotting the vast opening filled with a variety of spacecrafts, she looked behind herself for a moments worth before taking in a deep breath. "I have to do this," she muttered under her breath, turning her head back ahead as she aimed for the ship closest to the opening of the hangar.

There was a sudden disturbance as her parents spotted Chi's empty room. They had feared this day would come, the day she'd rebel against their rules and do what she believed to be right. Their voices echoed down the halls as her mother cried out for the royal guards while her father sprinted towards the hangar.

Settling herself in the pilots seat as she placed her bag to a side, she worked the panel as best as she had remembered. Chi's hands reached across to different buttons and switches, almost as if it were second nature for her to pilot. A sense of worry filled her veins as she looked over her shoulders. Furrowing her eyebrows as she shook off the feeling, Chi lifted the ship and flew off, leaving her family behind.

"Chi!" Chi's father yelled out. "Chi!" Slowing down his speed as he watched the golden ship break the planets atmosphere, he panted as his worrisome expression spread throughout his body.

"You will understand..." she quietly spoke to herself, as if her family could hear her. "Eventually..." reaching over to make the jump to light speed, she pulled back the lever and watched the crystal blue and white colors pass her by. Leaving the ship on auto pilot, Chi stood up and grabbed the bag she brought.

Making her way to the back, where a rectangle table sat, she settled her bag on top of its surface as she began to pull things out. A blaster her older brother gave her was the first thing, one he secretly gave Chi a few years back on her sixteenth birthday. Then there was a brooch her two sisters had given her on her thirteenth birthday, one made from fine gold from Sona, in the shape of the national flower known to her kingdom—much like a lily. Finally... her crown, the one and only she had since the day she was born, waiting to be worn till she was old enough. Sighing as she eyed the small collection, Chi felt the ship break hyperspace.

Making her way back to the pilot seat, she took control of the ship once again as she entered the outer rim. For months she had been dreaming about a planet, one covered in mountains and prairies, rock formations and small cities. It had been all Chi had thought about, day and night. She had snuck into the archives of the palace when no one was paying attention, studying star maps and books that held information on the different (discovered) planets scattered across the galaxy. She eyed holo images and illustrations, finding the one she had been seeing in her dreams.


It had rung a bell, but Chi wasn't sure as to why; but as she did her research and read about it, she realized... she had been dreaming of this planet for much longer than she believed she had.

Spotting the blue planet before her, Chi made her way to enter the planets surface. It was her first stop in her self made mission to find the Resistance.

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