Chapter XXI (NSFW)

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Nothing felt better than having a full belly and stepping fresh out of the refresher. After Chi had cleaned up—taking longer than expected—she called out to Kylo so he could do the same. The clothes she was able to... obtain were a simple tunic and pants; same went for Kylo. Nothing out of the ordinary, but, very comfortable.

Chi now found herself sitting on the bed as Kylo went back to the canopy to check on the ship. Her legs were crossed as she had her eyes closed. Reaching out into the Force, aiming for Rey and hoping to speak to her, Chi opened her eyes and smiled. "Rey!"

Turning in her spot at the sound of Chi's voice, Rey smiled, "Chi?!"

Standing from the bed and walking closer, Chi couldn't help but get teary eyed, happy to see a friend. "Where are you? Are you okay?"

Eyeing Chi in relief, Rey stood in her shared hut as she spoke up, "I found Luke Skywalker. Finn is with me—as you know—but he is out with Luke getting food... Well, catching food. We are fine... But what about you? Where are you? Is Leia safe?"

Biting down and thinking about Leia, Chi sighed, "I am not with Leia... I crashed during the battle—"

"Crashed?" Rey shook her head.

"I went up to fight and crashed. But don't worry! I was able to find my way out and am hoping to get back to Leia and the rest very soon," Chi nodded in reassurance.

Walking back over to Chi to be with her, Kylo then overheard her voice. Quietly, he walked closer, only to hear another voice. From afar, Kylo could see Chi standing before... the scavenger—Rey. Knowing very well Chi wouldn't want anyone to know who she was with, he took a step back and leaned against the wall. Although he was not found of the desert girl, he was... happy for Chi, having strong relationships.

"I have a beacon so Finn and I will be doing the same soon. We are trying everything to get him home... but we will see..." Rey sighed. "However, Finn and I have been training and I couldn't be more amazed with our progress."

Clapping, Chi grinned, "oh! I can not wait to see the two of you and your advancements!"

"Once we reunite you will," Rey nodded with a smile. "I must go... but I— I am so glad we are able to see one another like this? I don't know how you did it... but I'm sure you will teach me when we see one another again."

"Of course," Chi nodded before Rey disappeared.

Pushing himself off of the wall, Kylo walked into the room and broke his silence, "you are able to reach out to the scavenger, too."

"As you can see," Chi spoke over her shoulder before turning. "How much did you hear?"

"Towards the end. I stayed away so she wouldn't see me..." Kylo admitted.

"I'm amazed you could see her. Leia makes sense... but Rey?" Chi tilted her head.

"Let's hope it only stays there and I don't form some bond with her," he huffed. "I'd like to keep that with you."

"I must be so special," Chi teased as Kylo smirked, walking over to her. "We are close..."

"Through rivalry," she nodded but Kylo leaned in and kissed her. Lifting her hands to rest in his hair as Kylo's held her hips, Chi parted her lips as she felt his tongue run along hers. Feeling her heart flutter as his tongue twisted with hers, deepening the kiss, she felt his hands slide across her thighs, over to her bottom. Feeling his hands squeeze handfuls of her cheeks, Chi let out a small yelp.

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