Chapter III

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Kylo Ren stood before Chi Bouvier in all his glory. Her heart skipped a beat for a moment, but a part of her knew it was him she had felt. "Why are you here?" She spoke up, looking at the man as he eyed her.

"You know very well what I have come for," he spoke through the apparatus of his helmet. "The transmission. That rebel flea had vital information and he sent it to you."

"If he had we wouldn't have been here," Chi calmly spoke as she kept her eyes on him. "Someone killed him."

"You believed me to have done it?" His voice softened for a moment, causing Chi's throat to lock. "I would have killed him after I got the information."

Gulping, Chi clenched her fists, "then who did it?"

"Have you considered it be your own men? Or himself? Or possibly someone else?" He asked, causing her eyebrows to furrow.

"You think I believe you?" Chi chuckled, but Kylo hopped off the stage with a loud stomp, causing her to take a small step back.

"Of course you don't, and I don't expect you to," Kylo said as he approached Chi. The closer he grew, the faster her heart raced. "But you heard it. You've heard some of it. And you will tell me what you know." Within seconds, Kylo grabbed Chi's waist and suddenly teleported the two outside of the cantina.

Looking up at him with wide eyes, she pushed his hands off and took a step back. "Why do you think I am here?"

"Tell me what you know," he demanded.

"I know that you're foolish," the lieutenant took a step closer. "You've been too focused on me to even consider the fact that my team has already received the transmission—"

Grabbing her wrist, Kylo leaned in, "so it is in the cantina—"

Pulling out her blaster with her free hand, Chi aimed it at his helmet. "And you won't have it. My men have taken the message and destroyed any remnants. You have failed yet again," she stood her ground. "If you don't let me go, I will destroy this helmet like I did the last.

"You wouldn't," he snarled but Chi removed the safety.

"And I'd push you, too," she threatened. "You see, now I understand as to what that was and how it happened, commander."

Letting go of her wrist with a huff, Kylo growled "leave."

Backing up and turning away, Chi rushed back towards the cantina, knowing the team was aiming for the shuttle. Her heart was racing faster than she had realized. She swore she had been holding her breath. Running fast as she placed her blaster back into her holster, Chi heard a familiar voice call out her name.

"Stars, what happened to you?" Kaydel asked as she took in a deep breath.

"I was making sure no threats came in," Chi lied. And Kaydel believed her. "The Order was bound to come but at least we got what we needed. Let's get it back to Leia," she said as Kaydel nodded in agreement, the two of them making their way back to the shuttle.

Chi had to tell Leia what happened.

• • •

Leia stood amongst the Resistance fighters who  had join the two women on their mission... Chi, however, stood to the back once again. "Big hero, good, good!" Bebe spoke, causing Chi to smile. "So proud! Tou, too!"

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