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Uwu, thank you for reading my story :)
I hated mornings. I definitely didn't miss the window in this room, which shined light directly in my eyes. That's one thing I made sure to put on my list while apartment searching, no windows that would blind me in the morning.

I turn onto my back, looking up at the familiar ceiling. Today was the trial. I convinced myself I would go, I owed it to myself, to have some justice.

I didn't plan to tell Jacob, he wouldn't understand. I wasn't even going to tell dads, I knew they would be all over me about it, worried. The last thing I want them to do is worry about me when they have Ember now.

It was 9 am and the trial wasn't until 10. I drag my ass out of bed, needing a shower after last nights drinking. I make my way to the bathroom, doing a double take to make sure Ian wasn't anywhere lurking around. When I saw that it was clear, I headed in and did my thing.

By the time I was out it was 9:30. I went back to my room and dressed formally, wearing a white turtleneck and black slacks with some wedge heels. I grabbed my phone and such and headed out of my room.

"Hey hun, where you off to dressed like that?" my father questions. He stands in the kitchen and startles me.

"Just meeting with some old friends," I lie hoping it's enough. He nods, and while he carries on with making breakfast for Ember, Ian walks in. He was wearing blue jeans and a dark green t-shirt. How did he looks so good even in simple clothing?

"Um, I'll see you later dad," I tell him, he nods in response. While I head to the door, Ian's voice interrupts.

"Could you drop me off down town, I want to look around," he says, I eye him. Why today? Couldn't he ask Jacob?

"I'm kind of in a hurry," I tell him attempting to open the door, he holds the door shut.

"Your friends will understand," he says. He then let's go of the door and waits for me to open it. He follows me out to the car and gets in. Once I start driving I speak up.

"What exactly are you looking for downtown?" I ask glancing at him, he chuckles at this.

"Oh that was a lie, I'm coming with you," he says. I scoff at him in disbelief, "Um, no you're not. I have plans," I tell him. Who did he think he was?

"Meaning the trial," he says. My stomach flips now. How did he know?

"That old step brother of yours mentioned a trial, so I looked up what could be going on at the courthouse," he says.

Stalker much?

"And you thought you could just join along? You didn't think for a moment how personal this is for me?" I ask him. "You're not coming with me, this isn't something you just get to decide you're going to," I say upset. He had no right to do this.

"I'm going," he says sternly.

I stop the car, abruptly parking on the side of the road.

"No the fuck you are not, get out," I demand. He just sighs at me and stares out the window. "I said get the fuck out Ian, I'm not playing this fucking game of yours," I say.

"I'm not leaving this car. I want to make it up to you, for what I did at the bar last night," he says looking at me. I scoff at him.

"Yeah okay, right. Get out, Ian," I repeat.

"I'm serious, Caitlin," I think it's the first time he's said my name in that tone. Was he serious? I couldn't think of why he would want to go to this, but was it really for me?

"You get how personal this is, right?" I ask. He looks away from me for a moment, "I do, and I'm sorry for just joining. Let me be there for you. You didn't tell Jacob, or he'd be here. So let someone be there for you. I won't say a word to your family," he says surprising me.

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