Miami Baby

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Before you read, I have changed one detail. Originally I wrote Marissa's character as being pregnant, I will go back and revise this ofc, but if you don't want to go back, she is not pregnant, instead they have a relatively newborn son. This is the only update I have andI hope you enjoy!!

Caitlin's POV

Planes weren't my favorite. They were crowded, sometimes there were crying children, not to mention anyone who decided to drink on the plane a little too much.

I could've kissed the ground when we landed, glad to be able to stretch my legs. Ian guides us towards a car he'd rented for the trip. I carry my luggage and follow him outside the airport to the car.

When we reach the car he pops the trunk, throwing his suitcase in and then reaching mine, adding it in. He heads to the passenger and opens it for me, I roll my eyes at the gesture even though I find it endearing.

"You're too much," I say while sliding in. He bends down and kisses my forehead.

"I'm just treating you how you should be treated, like a queen," he says while closing the door. I feel myself blush like a school girl.

He enters the drivers seat and closes the door. The engine starts and he places a hand on my thigh, rubbing it.

"Ready to meet the rest of the family?" he asks, I nod and lay my hand over his. He turns his gaze to the road and takes off.



Ella's voice booms while she stands on the porch. While I look at her, I also take in the view.

Behind the house, the ocean. Waves crashing softly, while families are sitting, swimming, laughing.

My gaze is disrupted when Ella's arms wrap around be, nearly knocking us over, the sound of our bodies hitting each other emitting a thud.

"Ella! You're going to suffocate the girl," a woman with dark brown hair shouts with a smile on her face, glowing. She's very attractive, in a natural way. She didn't have to try to awe those around her. This must be Marissa.

Ella chuckles and let's go, standing next to me.

Marissa comes down the steps, wrapping her arms around Ian's neck. "So good to see you after so many months, you never visit the family, it's always you and baseball," she teases. I see him smile and nod, "I know," he says.

Marissa turns to Ella and I, her eyes meeting mine. She reaches out a hand, "You must be Caitlin, it's wonderful to meet you," she says softly. I smile and take her perfectly manicured hands shaking it.

"It's nice to meet you as well," I say. We release each other's hands, she motions for us to move. "Come in, come in, the rest of the family is inside," she starts walking and we follow.

I take in the interior, the home was large in size, modern, yet still felt cozy and homelike. There were family pictures, art pieces, and more.

It was an impressive home, an expensive one. My eyes scatter from the tables to the fireplace, to the lights.

"This is beautiful," I tell Ian as we walk in hand to hand. "Thanks," he says, causing me to stop and look at him.

"This is yours?" I ask. He shrugs, "Somewhat. Id originally bought it, but with baseball I didn't have time for it, so dad took over," he explains. I nod, still mesmerized by the home.

"Ah, there you are," A strong voice says. My eyes snap to an older man, resembling Ian. His father.

"How was the plane ride?" He asks while hugging Ian's side.

"Good, nothing exciting," he responds. His father turns to me, reaching out his hand.

"Caitlin, it's lovely meeting you. We're very happy to have you here, I'm Marc," he introduces. I smile politely, "Thank you for inviting me," I say.

"Karen, Daniel, and the children are on the deck out back," he informs us before heading off.

After this, Ian tells me he'll take the luggage to the room, encouraging me to join the rest of the family outside. he kisses me briefly on the cheek, I let my hand part his as he walks away towards the staircase.

I do as he suggests, walking out the already open sliding door to meet Ella and sit next to her. A man I suspect to be Daniel, Marissa's husband, sits across from us, their daughter Lena next to him on her phone, and their newborn Weston in Marissa's arm.

"That sounds like a lovely idea," I hear Karen say while talking to Marissa who's been sitting next to her in another wooden chair.

"What is?" Ella asks, catching everyone's attention.

"Going to a club. Marissa hasn't been out since having Weston and now that you two are here, you should all go out. The guys as well, you can invite Liam and Owen, as well as Emily and Grace," she explains.

"I'm down for clubbing," Ella says with a smile on her face. I roll my eyes at her but smile, maybe it would be fun. A night out in Miami.

"Perfect! It's settled!" Marissa exclaims.

"What is?" Ian's voice draws me to him as he stand in the frame of the doors.

"Clubbing tonight," Daniel speaks up, "We can invite Liam and Owen," he suggests. Ian shrugs his shoulders, "Sure," is all he says, making me wonder why he seems a little hesitant.

"Nice, let's all plan to go to Omega Point around ten or so?" Daniel suggests looking at us. We nod in agreement.

"We'll have a fun time watching Lena and Weston while you kids have fun," Karen says. "Oh, Xavier should be arriving soon," she informs us.

"Anyway, we can all have dinner around seven before you all leave, don't need you all drinking on empty stomachs,"  Marc announces.

I wasn't sure exactly what he did for a profession, but it must pay decent in order to afford to keep up with this home.

The family starts discussing what everyone has been up to, meanwhile I excuse myself to retire upstairs, having Ian lead us to our room, wanting to lie down for a bit, jet lagged.

I throw my suitcase onto the bed, unzipping it and looking for loose shorts and a small tank top to rest in.

I feel Ian's hands on my arms suddenly, caressing them up and down softly. I involuntarily lean back into his touch. He wraps his arms around my body fully, encasing me.

"Tired?" he asks softly, I nod, "A little," I respond. It was only two in the afternoon, plenty of time to nap before dinner.

"I'll lay with you," he says. I nod and his hands leave me, going to his jeans and unzipping them. He takes them off, revealing black boxers, then his shirt. I was still mesmerized by his physique. He wasn't ripped, but lean, and I liked that.

I find the items and replace my current clothes with them, receiving side glances from Ian while he lays on the bed waiting for me.

When I'm done I move the blanket and join him, already ready to fall asleep. My back rests against his chest, feeling his skin against mine.

There was something about feeling another persons skin on yours so intimately that set you ablaze, made you feel good. Maybe it's because it's untouched skin for the most part, delicate, innocent.

He kisses the back of my head, pulling me out of these thoughts.

"I'll set an alarm for 7," he says, I nod slightly and close my eyes. I feel him kiss my shoulder before also laying down fully.

Before I knew it, I was asleep.


It's a lil short but it's just leading up to a night of partying for them in the next chapter. I'm officially finished with my FIRST year of college and boy am I glad.

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