A Night in a Night Club

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Hewwo, I just spent over $100 at Rue 21 when I need to save my money for college, eheh.


Ian's suit for this chapter ^

IAN'S POV (hehe)

"You need to get out of this mood, it's honestly sad to watch," Adam yells from my kitchen as he raids my fridge.

"I went to her apartment and instead of seeing her, some blonde ass Machine Gun Kelly looking dude opened the door," I tell him glancing at what he's doing. "I think I have the right to be a bit flustered,"

Adam takes out my left over Chinese food and invites himself to eat it. As always. This man could eat anything and nothing was going to get in the way of him and his food.

"Okay, so it didn't go as planned. You said you two were looking for different things. She obviously doesn't want to hookup with anyone, she wants something real. If you're not ready for that then why do you keep trying her?" he asks, stuffing orange chicken in his mouth. Ugh, to think he's had a piece of Jake in that mouth. I had to run in on them in the locker room that day, didn't I.

"I-I don't know. I just...like her," I say the last part quietly.

"Sorry, what was that last part?" he asks knowing damn well what it was.

"I like her you dick head, shut up about it," I say getting frustrated.

"Let's go out tonight, with the guys. You need to get your mind off her and maybe it will help you figure out what you're really feeling," he suggests.

Going out was the last thing I wanted to do. I went out once today and ran into her. She was looking at a red, lacy body suit. But what struck me wasn't the idea of her in it. It was that I got all flustered by her wearing sweatpants and a tank-top. It was so simple, her hair down, no makeup. She looked natural, unlike so many of the women that pushed themselves onto me. She didn't care how she looked.

"Come on, we can get the VIP section at Onyx. That way you don't have to worry about the crowd, I know you get anxiety about it," Adam continued. I hated how much he knew, but I was also grateful he did. Because if he didn't, I don't think I would have much of an outside life.

"Fine, I'll go," I give in. He smiles and dips a crab rangoon into sweet and sour sauce before devouring it.

Hours pass, it was about 10:30 and Adam had arranged for the limo to pick us up and take us to Onyx. I dressed in all black, it was a favorite color of mine besides...lavender actually.

I looked down at the watch my grandfather gifted me with before he passed. I wasn't sure why, but he had been in my mind for the past few weeks.

I take a deep breath when I hear Adam yell that the limo was outside. I really hoped tonight was going to go smoothly.

When I slide into the limo I'm greeted with a shot of whiskey by Landon, a quarterback for the Seahawks.

"Drink up," he tells me, gulping down his shot. Landon was definitely more of a party animal than any of us.

"How have you been?" I ask him, noticing his also distressed state. He quirks his head to the side.

"About as good as Adam says you're doing," He replies. He lifts up a glass of champagne from the limo bar and gulps it quickly. Jeez, he needed a night out.

"Yeah well, shit hit the fan. So let's drink to it," I say to him with a small smile, taking a glass and downing it as well.

We pull up to the club, paparazzi crowding the front entrance already. I suppose it's to be expected when you have a limo full of professional athletes pull up to one of the most popular clubs.

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